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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Want some cheese with that whine, nancy boy? It's not like anyone calls you anyway.
  2. Devils Advocate


    Thorne, You're like a ricer with Down's.
  3. Yeahh, lets kill dem gersh durned messicans!!!!!!111
  4. Uh..... I'm really good at Halo 1?
  5. The world is out to get you Eric. That ONLY HAPPENS TO YOU@!1!1!11111!
  6. dood, u speld skills wronglol
  7. No. Regardless of the frequent difference between our opinions, I can always understand what you're trying to say, and some of the time I can understand where you're coming from. (Which is odd, considering that I'm a 6'8 Black, Jewish circus janitor from England.)
  8. Just because you don't understand or agree with a passion of mine doesnt give you the right to suggest mental therapy. I think that the Buckeyes would be the first to say that they owe a lot to their fans and supporters, as we're the some of the best and most passionate in the land. I feel betrayed because I was led to believe that this was a Buckeye team for the ages that had the ability and drive to make history and win a national title. The team that played in the Nat'l Championship was NOT that team. I feel bad for my friends who went out to the game.
  9. I don't habitually because I'm a poor college kid, but I have raced (driven) brian's old Civic type R (seriously) past a cop on the highway. Anyone remember that run, when Crash and Tilley or someone were racing and we allllll flew by that guy at like 130?
  10. People should be banned for threads and grammar like this. Sure, I could just choose not to click on threads made by people like MattsV8 or WnaPlay, but I'm curious by nature, and this shit makes my eyes bleed. You guys are lucky I'm not a moderator, the board would consist of a total of around 13 people. and maybe a few cats. Lord knows the felines would be able to convey their thoughts better than most of the people here.
  11. Serious question: Why don't they just change the name of the Kitchen to "Gigantic Bleeding Vaginas?" <3
  12. 76 posts during the several weeks that I havent visited CR... Good thread, special steve.
  13. I'm sorry... What? I was a little distracted... The game is on, and you haven't brought me my sandwich yet. .....Oh, and I think I heard the dryer buzz a little bit ago, you might want to go check that.
  14. I don't care how many women Linn has slept with, NONE of them have been satisfied. His actions and demeanor are more than proof that his penis is no longer than 3 inches . Oh, and another thing... Who the fuck is this email username kid, why is he still allowed to post here, how can he not spell simple words despite the fact that it's clear that he has at least attended college, and where are his parents so that I can take a shit on their chests for giving birth to and raising such a complete waste of our remaining natural resources? PS: Shawn, for the last time, PLEASE stop trying to insult people/sound cool on the internet. I feel like I'm watching an elementary school bully scene from a terrible 80's movie every time you make up uber-hip words like "corollahomo."
  15. Geoff is a Dbag. That evo is hawt.
  16. I've seen you use those EXACT lines on several other people on this site. I thought I meant more to you than reconstituted garbage. Are there other women in your life or something?
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