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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. ...You have got to be kidding me. I regret even dignifying this with a response. Keep mah name out ya mouth.
  2. Some PS3s are selling for 2k+. None of those reasons are viable, nor do they even come close to costing as little as 600 dollars plus a 2 day wait in line. WTF does classic cars owned by a family even mean?
  3. Wow... I've never acually been angry about a post before, but the amount of ignorance in yours has actually got my blood boiling. The gay comment doesn't even merit a response, as you're clearly not capable of rational thought. Are you seriously stating that by allowing gay people to live with less harassment than previously, we as a country are accepting homosexuality as our own sexual preference? Get your head checked, you insecure hillbilly. When the backwoods folk talk about "Bein overrun by dem messicans," it makes me sick. You know why? How do you think the Native Americans feel every time they see some rich, fatcat politician of british heritage bitching about how the illegal immigrants are doing jobs that no American actually wants to do for shit wages? I'd say the hypocrisy damn near drives them crazy. Heres the thing about the whole language thing: TONS of other countries teach their children two or even THREE languages from birth. Can you even imagine the social and economical impact that has? If everyone in your country has the ability to converse with another country that produces something yours doesn't, the job markets benefit. Why do you have such a problem with broadening your horizons? Guess how much money people who speak Mandarin Chinese and English make... A fucking shitload more than you do. As for he mouthpiece comment, I wish I was a fucking mouthpiece. I wish there was a politician (with sufficient power) that would stand up against the redneck voting machine and adress these problems with an unbiased mindset. He'd tell you that what's REALLY causing the job problems with illegals is that the COMPANIES are the ones paying them money that drives your regular old high school graduate american away. It's that same american who isn't working as hard as the guy who replaces him. What happened to America being the land of the free? Do YOU even know what principals this country you so ignorantly defend was founded on? Go ahead, keep smoking. You've obviously surrounded yourself with walls of hatred, bigotry, and ignorance that no amount of logic, persuasion, or facts will breach. You're doomed to die a lonely, insecure, frightened death unless you realize that we share this country and this world with people different from ourselves. People who have experiences and customs that may seem scary or wierd at first, but may turn out to be incredibly interesting once idiots like you give them a chance. Ugh, I'm done. No wonder G.W Buh is still president, people like you still find their way to the voting booths every year. Disclaimer: If there are any typos it's because I'm fucking pissed.
  4. LOL I GOT IN A FIGHT OVER TEH INTERNETS. Why on earth would I waste my time driving to wherever your "shop" is to fight some random guy who takes the internet wayyy too seriously? Did you read my previous post at all? Probably not, there were way too many big words. Mission accomplished. If I'm a pathetic loser with no self esteem, then you're the tooth fairy. Look, I can make stuff up too! It's just like that time when your girlfriend told you that it was "a good size." PS: Let me show you my pokemans. http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e147/KryzzyHunter/2pokemans.jpg
  5. No, it's the intelligent people who realize that they can get a 200% return on their investment a half hour after they invested. Show me a product other than pure narcotics or raw oil that can do that, and I'll give you a cookie. Sorry, $$$ > Tru gamerz. Fags.
  6. Hahaha it actually took less time for someone to say this than I thought. Kudos. You guys do realize that the only people who actually insult me (and are serious) or call me an internet hardass are the ones too thick or insecure to do anything else, right? Most of the people read what I post and laugh at either the actual comedic value of the post itself or how stupid all of you end up looking when you get pissed off. Sure gearhead, you win, you real-life badass you. You post about stealing someone else's property and then extorting them, while hiding behind the lack of internet-evidence laws. Everyone with less than a full set of teeth or a union job is exremely impressed by your open lack of regard for the agreed upon societal moral system. Now, go back to impressing 18 year old kids with your ugly, run-of-the-mill, single-purpose crapwagon and leave the thinking and "putting words together to form sentences" to the people who have the mental capacity to do so. And seriously? Stop. Every time you guys post a serious or angry response you're A) making me laugh hysterically, and B) giving me exactly what I want.
  7. I'll quote it again, because you're that stupid.
  8. Awesome, you just admitted to several serious felonies on a web forum where several cops post and read... And I quoted it. Now, unless you pay ME twenty dollars like you did to that tyson kid, I'll PM Sawbinder the link to this thread. Could the population of this board be ANY stupider?!?!?!
  9. Ohmigawsh, forcing their culture on us?! God forbid we become cultured or learn a language other than english!!!!!!!!!!!!1!11 Ignorant fools.
  10. RIP. Thanks for everything you did for the game and for the kids you helped make into men.
  11. Well... You technically get all the free alchohol you want, but... it's kinda frowned upon using it for social purposes. .....Oh. And you'll eventually be crucified.... try not to think about it.
  12. If you actually get riled up enough to post something like that, then you're stupider than I thought. I'm a 6'5" ripped black dude. Wanna tussle?
  13. I'm probably moving to chicago in june-ish. I'll be there from Thanksgiving to xmas to see how I like it.
  14. FINALLY! A COMICAL AND WITTY REBUTTAL POST USING MATERIAL FROM THE ALREADY ESTABLISHED ARGUMENT! Furthermore, it was devoid of actual anger or even improperly spelled swear words! CR regulars, Listen up: This man is your messiah. Spln: Did you see the BG v Miami game? Well, the kicker at the end... That was your post just now. Complete miss.
  15. Haha, that's priceless. I can FEEL the pity in that statement.
  16. Ughhhh thats another one that I hate... HAI FAY-GLEE!!!!!
  17. Spell check won't make you idiots any smarter. It also doesn't catch To, Too, and Two mistakes, or "of" and "off", etc. Summary: You're all doomed to ridicule.
  18. What? PS: Women shouldn't be allowed to drive, or vote.
  19. Again, you're an idiot. If you compare my ability to spell words with 99% of this board, it would be like Evander Holyfield boxing a kitten. The keyboard on my roomies laptop sucks balls, so sometimes I miss keys when typing. You, however, stumble through the internet like a blindfolded fat guy through a field of landmines and barbed wire. Nearly every thread I've ver seen you make is about something horribly retarded, and the only responses are either mine making fun of you for using CR as your diary, or people who feel bad for you saying "Yeah, buddy. Definitely." PS: I also submit MANY more lines of text in each of my posts than everyone else, and have WAYYYY fewer typos. You idiots manage to fuck up five words in a two line post. Now, if you're done, go wipe the shit off your face, it's probably bothering your family.
  20. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a very special post. Your mother in law probably cries every day that her daughter is married to someone who doesn't know how to use To, Two, and Too properly. However, now that we've gotten that incredibly trivial and non-related bullshit out of the way, back to you all being racist ignorant fools.
  21. Hey no shit? I thought you quoted him so your begonias would blossom earlier in the spring. Doesn't change the fact that you still completely nullified that entire response you made to him. Ya think he mighta been able to decipher that you were talking to him by putting his name before your response? Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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