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Posts posted by Primera

  1. Eh, don't like the second one. Techno sucks.


    Yeah, but check out track 4. I was rocking my driveway HARD earlier like it was 1990.


    After listening to it all, I don't really like either one that much (some songs have their moments). It just seems like they're trying to be Girl Talk and add the decent live drums element to it, to avoid being compared to Gregg Gillis.

  2. Should I even take this up with the bar? Or just straight call the bank? It is obvious the bar fraudulently charged a canceled card....


    Only deal with the bank. After they get your side of it, they'll deal w/ the bar.

  3. I still regret selling my Gibson. My LP+Marshall 1960A half stack was a beautiful thing. I switched to an Ibanez AM73 semi hollowbody and Fender Blues Jr (basically a jump to the opposite side of the spectrum). I'll definitely be picking up another Les Paul soon.
  4. Regarding the THUG LIFE tattoo idea:


    Ironic tattoos are only cool for like 3 months.


    Extremely ironic tattoos (I'm assuming you're a cookie cutter suburban white boy, like myself) are only cool for about half of the time you're in the chair, getting it done.

  5. Your time on top will be short lived.




    Aw that's cute.


    Everyone might as well just hand me their pink slips now.



  6. I was kidding. I like Infinitis and I don't know you so I didn't know what to say back to you.;)


    Well, I am furious so I would enjoy a good comeback. This thread sucks so I'll give you some material:


    -I grew up in Grove City

    -I'm 6'5" and only weigh 185lbs

    -I can't grow facial hair

    -I'm unemployed (until next week)

    -I teared up when I saw Armageddon in the theater

    -I'm crying right now

    -I'm fapping to a picture of Grimace



  7. Yes, I do drive a dressed up Sentra. I put it in my user title when I registered here. Good observation.


    wtf are these pictures you keep posting


    from Wikipedia-


    Grimace is an anthropomorphic purple being. Initially, Grimace was the "Evil Grimace", with two pairs of arms with which to steal milkshakes. After that first campaign, the character was revised to be one of the "good guys", and his number of arms was reduced by two. Commercials and merchandise generally portrayed him as a well-meaning simpleton, whose clumsy antics provided a comic foil to Ronald McDonald. The character was retained after the streamlining of the characters in the '80s. He was voiced by Frank Welker.

  8. its peaceful. You slack-jawed chimp.


    It's it's, you urine-sipping renob.


    Alright back on topic:



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