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Posts posted by Primera

  1. I used to smoke alot of weed for over 6 years....as in multiple times daily and it definately effects you, including driving....with that being said I have no problem with people smoking weed. But acting like it doesnt do anything is just ludicrous.




    Oh, and you spelled "definitely" wrong. :p

  2. When mine where babies I would fill up the bathtub and toss in little tiny fish and watch them go nuts diving in the water for them. Fun times.


    I want a duckling for a day just so I can watch it do that.

  3. wasthuis transaction taken out early with out approval or u just thought an forgot it was coming out earlie? if it came out early an wasent susposed to you can dispute it wih thaty company for screwing up your acccount


    I'm waiting for them to call me back about that. I thought it was supposed to be taken out on the 6th of each month and it came out on the 3rd. I'll definitely get them to fax something to Huntington if it was their error, but I'm assuming I overlooked the details.


    At least it's the only debt I have so I can't complain too much. Just kind of a bitch when I have NO money to cover it right now.

  4. Yes, I understand it is not the banks fault and they aren't liable to have to remove any. I understand how banks work. I'm fully responsible for it. More than anything, I'm throwing myself to the mercy of anyone who might be able to pull any strings or throw out any options, but I'm assuming that won't happen. I'm just flat out broke at the moment and adding more of a balance each day to my negative account is killing me. Just figured I'd give it a shot.
  5. I need help from someone who works at a branch (or a customer service rep) regarding fees on my account. My local branch is not helpful at all and I really need to talk to someone about this and try and get something worked out.


    If you do, or know someone I can talk to about it, PM me. Thanks

  6. The point of you not drinking is that your a whiny little ass punk bitch that won't drink your share WHILE PLAYING A DRINKING GAME because you're scared of shit that happened to past generations of your family. You clearly missed the point of my post, if you're playing a DRINKING GAME, and you don't drink..... GO THE FUCK HOME. End of story.


    I could understand your point if you were talking about playing a drinking game like kings, quarters, or my favorite, drink the beer. Instead, you're talking about beer pong. I've only got shit tanked playing beer pong once and it was because I was on the table the entire night. And I couldn't imagine how long it would take w/ Busch Light :rolleyes: :barf:


    The game is more social than anything (like someone else said). I'm sure anyone there is more than willing to drink his beer for him.


    Now stop acting like a drunk douche and relax.

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