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Posts posted by Primera

  1. Did you say you are going to have both cars for another year? if so why? and thats a terrible time for the super snake, (no offense) something must not be right with it, what are the plans for the super snake I want to see it in person!


    They probably have both cars for another year since I'm assuming the guy is probably heading back to Baghdad.


    ..and the GT500 spun to a 12.5 @ 119


    I'm assuming lack of traction is why it got a bad time.


    EDIT: I'm slow

  2. Xavier makes me want to blow my brains out. Not because I hate it that much (but i don't really like it at all either) but because my brain feels 10 lbs heavier from all the senseless shit that's put into a 10 minute show. I feel hungover after watching it.
  3. Trulli lost his podium spot for a safety car penalty after passing Hamilton back towards the end. So Hamilton went from starting 20th (penalized for replacing a gearbox that broke during qualifying, which knocked him back) to 3rd.


    Sucks for Vettel. He was fined and penalized (10-grid spots) for next week's race due to the accident towards the end with Kubica.

  4. Thorne $200 dollars wrx vs the gt @ Nelson Ledges.


    Srsly. I'll give my cash to a third party holder. If you win you get to say you went to Nelson Ledges and drove the track for free with free gas and food. That's pretty sweet.


    That's just suicide! You know Mustangs can't turn, right????????

  5. Your fail.




    And I don't autocross but who the fuck actually asks for timed spots?


    Get off CR and go bate or something. It's probably best to just stop adding to this thread.

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