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Posts posted by Primera

  1. this honestly angers me. not because of the whole race thing, but the fact that people are this selfish. i work in the food industry and people find the stupidest shit to complain about. people dont have any understanding for the employees or the business. today at work i was reading the customer review sheets and every other one was complaining about something extremely stupid like they had to wait a few extra seconds. do people in this world not realise that everything is centered around them? do they not realise that they arent the only ones walking the earth. fucking christ people get over yourselves and forgive an accident once in a while


    Those are the people that have never worked in the restaurant industry.

  2. Fucking ouch!


    I'm not sure if Dr. Lawrence Lubbers deals w/ foot injuries or not, but if so, I HIGHLY recommend him.


    I went into Riverside w/ this:

    3 severed tendons

    a severed radial artery

    a whole lot of nerve damage



    3 months later, I'm back at work with full flexibility in my hand and just slight nerve damage.



    His physical therapy staff is great and they take all precautions needed.

    His office: (614) 262-4263

  3. And as stated. You don't pay for friends. You pay for the things the fraternity (and usually yourself) are involved in. You make the friends on your own just like everything else.


    That's not true. I pay my friends $25/mo so they hang out with me and make up stories about how cool I am.

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