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Posts posted by Primera

  1. I saw them at Indy a few years back...amazing stuff. There is talk about them returning.


    I went two years back and it really opened my ears to the beauty of the F1 engines. They just can't capture that sound on TV.


    There is talk about it but I highly doubt they'll return anytime soon. I'm planning a trip to goto Nürburg next year for the race.


    IIRC, the reason they didn't come back to Canada this year is because there were issues with the track that weren't dealt with within the deadline the track owners were given :( Maybe next year

  2. I'm glad someone on here is into F1. I watched the practice last night, mildly drunk. I can't wait to see what kind of times they pull out for Q3 tonight.


    It sucked seeing Vettel go off the track. Hopefully, he'll see Q3 and get a good starting position.

  3. Danica Patrick is beautiful. Really? She's 4'11" and bow-legged. Have you ever seen her waddle to her car? Oh yeah, I'm sure she's beautiful when she's driving around with her hair blowing in the wind...as she's in last place getting lapped by all the male drivers.


    And no, I don't bang supermodels.

  4. I accidentally fell asleep with the hair gel in my hair. Now, I'm having a hard time moving due to the vigorous pump advertised on the gel and none of my clothes fit me anymore. What do I do?


    I can't get the new Affliction line because I have no clothes to go out in. Would a towel suffice? Bravo, please help.


    P.S. - I already tried just cutting off the sleeves on my shirts but I think the issue holding me back is my six-pack

  5. I was thinkin racoon


    If you didn't say that, I would say 100% do it. After you do it though, that's all that gonna come to mind when I see your car haha


    but take my car's advice on black headlight housings..



  6. Heres the story:


    I had two Basslinks. They both stopped working. I tried diagnosing it myself but I suck so I gave up. Tried swapping the internal amps and one of the swaps ended up working. So I'm offering up the non-working Basslink for anyone who has the know-how to fix something like this. It's either that or I'm throwing it in the trash.

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