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Posts posted by Primera

  1. After reading this I went out and bought a bottle of Seafoam...


    Haha same here. Seemed to clean up the car's idle a bit.


    Whats the most effective way to enter it into the cars system? Any vaccum source? ive used the brake booster before..


    That's what I used

  2. Snuggie owner club! :lol: There is nothing wrong with wine instead of drinking liquor. So wine is queer? So your saying beer is for pussies and you must drink liqour at all times??....NO. Wine is just for a higher class of drinker i guess?


    Liquor was the name of the game last night so it took my dislike of wine to a whole new level. I dunno. I don't take what I said back, but I still respect you for sporting a snuggie.

  3. And drinkin wine watching righteous kill!!!! Good movie IMO any opinions?? Anyone seen the the movie?? Anyone own a snuggie?? Anyone like drinking wine?? And the GF made me drink it!!


    Ok, I'll respect the snuggie ownership but..


    You're drinking wine in a snuggie? Get the fuck out of here. I was gonna start a snuggie owner club here but I don't want kids drinking wine in their snuggie. Shit's queer as fuck. Atleast drink liquor when enjoying your snuggie.

  4. I'm tempted to buy them just so I can say I own a Snuggie.


    I can proudly say I was the owner of one, for one night. I bought it, along with some alcohol last weekend. I wore it the entire night and it got destroyed, sadly. Maybe I'll pick up another one and take it out to Mynt or Sugar. Bitches love them. The only issue would be trying to get in to either place looking like a broke ass wizard.

  5. did you measure the impedance of the subs with a meter? you could have a blown or smoked voice coil in the woofer, that is the problem most of the time. if it comes up with basically no reading, then they blew.


    No I didn't check that. I actually took the lazy way out last night and swapped the amps around on each sub and tried both out. Now one of the subs is working, at least for right now. If it goes out, I give up.

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