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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. Getting ready to head out for the family bloat-fest. Happy Turkey Day! "And finally, monsieur, a wafer-thin mint. Nah. Oh, sir, it's only a tiny, little, thin one. No. Fuck off. I'm full. Oh, sir. Hmm? [groan] It's only wafer thin. Look. I couldn't eat another thing. I'm absolutely stuffed. Bugger off. Oh, sir, just-- just one. [groaning] All right. Just one. Just the one, monsieur. Voilà." Name the movie, and the character?
  2. He has "grammar nazi" lifetime immunity! I leave Shaun's posts alone. He used to work for me, and I got numb to his typing/spelling after the first month.
  3. He has the herp, a small penor, or is Kenny!
  4. I'll just drop the box, with 11 in it, by the door if no one is home.
  5. Yo Kenny, What time do you, or your butt buddy Howard, get home today? I gots some Guiness Pint glasses for you'uns!
  6. Me no worky tomorrow or Thurs. FTW!
  7. Dunno. Doubtfull, but it'd be better than going tomorrow night and being hung for turkey day bloatings at the family gathering.
  8. I live 3 minutes from O'Tooles. Let me know next time you go? Yeah, I haven't been playing much lately and the game has suffered. It'd be fun either way.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you live on the East Siiiiide? You'd drive over to the West Side to get your ass handed to you in pool? Mmmmmm! We have Grilled Cheese Sammiches and Tomato Bisque for staff meal today. That and it's free!
  10. Kenny, You should have come out last night. Cindy was hammered. Howard was pretty bent too and trying to score with her. The hilarity did ensue!
  11. I seen you had to went there! Damn, burned by the slip of the space key. Don't type angry....dont type angry...don't type...angry!
  12. Columbus finally has another championship. Way to go Crew! Remind me to cave in the back of your head next time I see you. That is all!
  13. Why is it that the first three threads I click on today BEGIN like this? "I seen this on another forum....." "has anyone went there....." "I seen this and thought it...." Jesus Christ does no one teach proper use of present/past tense or past participle anymore? It's fucking English people! Fuck! No wonder people outside the Midwest think Ohio is filled with hillbillies. Disclaimer: I have nothing personal against anyone who may feel I have directed this at them. I simply blame our failing educational system and the parents who perpetuate this by not holding their children to higher standards. /rant. I need to start drinking......ALOT!
  14. For all you pussies who stayed inside for the game: It was too cold, and my seats just sucked! J/K It was awsome! Thanks to Tony ("Bad" on CR, some might recognize in 2nd pic) for the tickies! http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/Tony1.jpg Gotta love the individual seats! No cramming onto a bench with soda/nachos/pee being spilled on you! http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/tony.jpg
  15. Quit your whining beotch, it's beer thirty. You deserve a good hangover at work day tomorrow!
  16. I know, Dammit! That was the last of the lotion I just put in my hand! Guess I'll click over to some porn..... Voted! Cute picture, just not a fan of small dogs. Reminds me of the comedian desribing a small furry dog as a "four legged toilet brush".
  17. Red Bull tailgate by 8am, nestled in my seat on the 45 yard line by Noon. Disclaimer: 12 Vodka and Red Bulls before noon is not condusive to a productive evening.
  18. I need my wife to get off of her ass and get a job (laid off Oct 1st) so I can buy another toy. God dammmmmmmmit! Kinda missing the A4 right about now! AWD > RWD in snow!
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