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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. My Stock tires have less than 5k on them, but are shitty in the rain. Snow tires were a must! RWD + Supercharger + 3400lb, Weight distribution front/rear: 53.8/46.2% = traction nightmare in snow.
  2. Oops, corrected in first post. 16x8 with Dunlop 205-55-16s
  3. After the mayhem the other night, I got a fire under my ass and put my winter tires/rims on. Who likes the 16 inch 5 spokes better than the stock 17 inch 7 spokes? Summer shoes 17x8 stockers: http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/benz.jpg Winter shoes: 16x8 ML350 rims, Dunlop Winter Sport M2s : http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/avatars/c230.jpg Thanks Craigslist!
  4. That's what Howard said too! Did he thank you for it?
  5. Take it to Autozone/Advanced and have them run an ARBST test (it's free). This will tell you if the alternator is putting out enough amperage, or has a bad diode, and also load test your battery as well. Your ECU will rob power (shut down) accessories, when not supplied with enough power, to attempt to keep the engine running. I can't even count the number of times Saturn customers came in with a shift to D2, ABS, and other lights on, due to alternator/battery problems.
  6. Broke something? Like a beer bottle through your hand, something?
  7. Easiest way to convince them to go ass to mouth.......er, so I've heard......
  8. Thank you captain vague! VSOP What? Cognac? Which one? Courvoisier? Remy Martin? Hennessey? You a balla? Hell there is VSOP Rum (Rhum Clement).
  9. Ah, The old pillow balls! You've probably had the steel sleeve react with the aluminum of the arm. Common. Once you get the socket, that is slightly smaller, it will press out. Be aware that it will more than likely take more pressure than regularly needed and will move in loud and violent "POP"s at first. Be sure to wear ALL safety equipment, ie saftey glasses et al, and keep as clear as you can when cranking the press. I've seen more than one fly off the press while doing this.
  10. Oh, I get it! http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/sh.jpg
  11. Tried Jager and Golschlager (called "starry night") after I already had a good buzz on. BAD IDEA!
  12. Patron neat, no training wheels, not chilled Concord grape Kettle One (make it myself), on the rocks Jager chilled, or jager bomb Clynelish, Talisker, or any GOOD 10 year or greater single malt on the rocks.
  13. http://www.dailydemotivators.com/pics/holdmybeer.jpg
  14. A bad ground could certainly cause your symptoms. Being 18 years old, your wiring harness will always be suspect. It's fairly simple to daisy chain grounds around your chassis and engine. The only other items in the equation would be the ECU, or a fusible link (if equipped)
  15. You picking up an LC2? Sweeet! Can I have a ride? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Lancia_LC2_Silverstone.jpg/800px-Lancia_LC2_Silverstone.jpg
  16. Yup, she did say that. BTW. I schooled her in pool last night.
  17. neg rep for Hoblick! Cleveland Municipal Stadium, 9/16/1987 4th row center stage Only wish I could have seen them before Sid Barrett fried his brain with chemicals.
  18. I've gotta see Hellboy2. Is that a chick flick?
  19. Yes, I stated it was a bad pic when I posted it. As far a doing anything for you, I pretty sure it wasn't your opinion we were trying to get. It was simply proof that she wasn't fat. ....and after she's shoved the umteenth beer in front of you without asking.....and doing a free shot, or twelve, of Jack Daniels along with her, you'd think she was the hottest chick on the planet. Now see yourself back to the oven with the other newbs! P.S. Yeah, I'd hit it stone sober!
  20. Here F*#kers: http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/cindy.jpg
  21. I have a bad pic of her on my phone. PM me your # and I'll send it to you. Oh, and Kenny.........Bwahahahahahaha! You should have left when I did. You were taken in by the succubus!
  22. Oh GOD! Did Howard send you that? It look like his living room!
  23. Topical, and relevant to this forum too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP2h16m8X1Y
  24. Really? These two posts are not making you look like a genius!:
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