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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. Good luck with that, unless you can get a "comp" from a casino. Most courses within 30 miles will be $250 and up per person. I'm in the industry and so far my connections can get me jack for next week, when I'll be there.
  2. History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men............GODZERRA!
  3. I send my own fecal matter to these two girls with one cup!
  4. Looks to be a vacuum test to see how much negative pressure the tanks could withstand.
  5. Nicely done! You are gonna need some more rubber underneath that! Love the SSRs. I had them on my FD!
  6. OHP was on 270 in Hilliard in force on Sunday night. I got pulled over for a "lane violation" after I was stupid enough to dig my ringing phone out of my pocket on my way home from playing pool. 20 minutes, and the full regimen of field sobriety tests, later I was bid a "good evening" and handed my license and registration back. I then found out that it was my step-son calling to tell me there were 3 OHP on the side of the road pulling people over. Jack-ass!
  7. Oh wait! I huffed a can of PAM and it all makes sense now!
  8. Just fuck the what you say did?
  9. What kind of wine? I have heard of any wine with a name even close to that.
  10. Bet you CAN drink just one?
  11. Google "Lucifer's Lane recipe" and you will find it on at least 6 different recipe websites.
  12. Lucifer's Lane recipe: 1/2 oz Everclear® alcohol 1 oz Bacardi® 151 rum 1 oz Yukon Jack® Canadian whisky 1 1/2 oz Jose Cuervo® Especial gold tequila 1 oz Romana® white sambuca 1 oz Devil Springs® vodka 1 1/2 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur
  13. I LOVE PATRON, no salt, no lemon, PERIOD. But I sure as hell don't love it enough to let someone pour citric acid in the form of an oil in my eye for a free shot. Sambuca: Sam*Bew* ka is an Italian aniseed-flavored (black licorice), usually colorless liqueur. In Italy it is common to serve neat Sambuca with some floating coffee beans dropped on it: it is called Sambuca con mosca (literally, "Sambuca with flies"). The beans are there as an ornament, but they can be "roasted" by lighting the fumes of the alcohol for 30 or so seconds..
  14. How dare you shun me like that? It's all good. Just stopped by on the way to work to check out some bikes.
  15. Greeeeeaaaat. The one day/night of the year that I couldn't possibly get off of work.
  16. He usually has a sign-in sheet to keep things organized. I'd find it the moment I arrive, if I were you.
  17. Ben, I have a bunch of extra random Craftsman sockets, and need a few myself. I'll get a hold of you.
  18. Holy Fuck! My Skybus return flight landed an hour and a half ago. I would have been PISSED if I got stranded!
  19. Terrible movie and terrible beer. Sounds like fun to me.......*pukes*
  20. Thats because they don't need them. Mazda's stock suspension in the RX line are second only to Porsche (when comparing large scale production vehicles, in stock trim) in road handling. Welcome Noob!
  21. All I can think of when i hear the name Flounder is: 'You guys playing cards . . .?’ Welcome newb!
  22. Tres post, Bendejos! Translation: Triple post, Bitches!
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