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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. Eleventy billion atmospheres, and it will only be slightly faster than a Delorean with a flux capacitor. Dibs. I got shotgun when you head back to the Roman orgies!
  2. Steeerike 1: $10K car for $3k Steeerike 2: "...is in perfect condition. It has no rust or dents and it's accident free." Steeerike 3: "The transaction will be made ONLY by using the above specified company" Yer out!
  3. Discuss: Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:09:29 -0400 From: "YAHOO/MSN LOTTERY" <donald@testdrive.ecreations.net> To: undisclosed-recipients:; Subject: YOU HAVE WON THE YAHOO/MSN LOTTERY Yahoo/MsnLottery Incoperation Baley House, Har Road Sutton, Greater London SM1 4te United Kingdom This is to inform you that you have won a Bonaza prize of money (£500,000) FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND GREAT BRITAIN POUNDS STERLINGS for the month of April 2007 Lottery promotion which is organized by YAHOO/MSN LOTTERY INC & WINDOWS LIVE. YAHOO&MSN MICROSOFT WINDOWS, collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo and Hotmail we only select five people every Month as our winners through electronic balloting System without the winner applying,we congratulate you for being one of the people selected. PAYMENT OF PRIZE AND CLAIM You are to contact your Claims Agent on or before your date of Claim, Winners Shall be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Centre. Yahoo/Msn Lottery Prize must be claimed no later than 15 days from date of Draw Notification after the Draw date in which Prize has won.Any prize not claimed within this period will be forfeited. These are your identification numbers: Batch number.....................YM 09102XX Reff number.......................YM35447XX Winning number...................YM097XX These numbers fall within your Location file,you are requested to contact EVENTS AGENT MANAGER,send your winning identification numbers to them at this contact address below. (CONTACT EVENTS AGENT MANAGER) MR FRANK ANDRES EMAIL; MR.FRANK_INFO_OFFICE@YAHOO.CO.UK You are therefore advised to send the following information to the EVENTS AGENT to facilitate them and process the COURIER of your money. NAME:..................................... AGE:........................................ SEX:........................................ ADDRESS:............................... EMAIL:.................................... PHONE:................................... OCCUPATION:......................... COMPANY:.............................. NEXT OF KIN........................... STATE...................................... COUNTRY:................................ NATIONALITY............................ Congratulations!! once again. Yours in service, Dr. Samual Bent (Public Relations Officer.BRITISH EMBASSY Co-ordinator)
  4. Call the dealership and ask them what information you need to bring to them, and they can cut a key for you on the spot.
  5. Push the top of the door (from the outside) as hard as you can while pushing a wedge of pennies about 6 inches above the door knob. If done correctly, the knob mechanism will be jammed against the frame rendering it useless. While you have the person or persons trapped inside, empty and entire container of baby powder at the base of the door. Grab a hairdryer and proceed to envelope the room in a choking white-out of baby powder. Stick a can of Foamy brand shaving cream in the freezer. Remove and use push pins to poke dozens of holes in the can. Place in a back pack, car, closet, etc. While the can thaws it will emit dozens of streams of foam everywhere. or.. Take a can of Foamy and push 5 thumbtacks in so that each finger will hold one in. Shake vigorously and knock on someones door. When the open the door, toss the can in. Shaving Cream grenade! I was on probation at BGSU for pranks. How bad do you wanna get?
  6. Yeah, Chester is a nice guy indeed. He drives that to the club regularly and it's always absolutely immaculate.
  7. Page 1: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=439106#post439106
  8. Edited, this makes complete sense. All 3 have no flavor.
  9. Beer: Boddingtons, Red Hook ESB, and any IPA. Liqour: Titos and Sobe No Fear. For those of you who like Blue Moon, you should try Oberon. This is what Coors was trying to copy when they made Blue Moon: http://www.bellsbeer.com/images/labels/BellsOberonLabel2006small.jpg Available on tap at many Columbus bars
  10. Who is the the mount and balance go-to guy, since Nick is no longer at NTB? I have (4) 18 x 10 rims that need drag radials carefully mounted on them, and then static balanced. Anyone? Oh, DIG!
  11. First assumption is that you are not bypassing the Catalytic Converter with a cutout, they have been removed? You will have different A/F readings. The degree of difference will dictate the want/need for the tune. Cutouts increase exhaust flow which reduces backpressure. Backpressure forces exhaust gases back into the combustion chamber and contaminates the next burn cycle. Reduced backpressure increases exhaust scavenging from the combustion chamber giving you a cleaner, more efficient burn. The increased momentum of the exhaust pulls more air/fuel into the cylinders, thusly changing both the temperature and air/fuel/scavenge mix.
  12. Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have gotten the Vaseline in the squeeze tube!
  13. Hi neighbor! Both the Demented Little Man and I live around the corner in houses in Galloway Ridge.
  14. I just booked 2 round trip tickets in June, with all upgrades and including tax, to Richmond Va. for $100 for BOTH. That's less than I wouild have paid in gas to drive the 1200 miles (19 hours) there and back. I'll just upgrade the rental and drive the 1.5 hours to Virginia Beach in style, and Still save big money.
  15. Noob ownage. But it did take 20 posts before it happened. You have much to learn, grasshoppa!
  16. A pull? I hope he shut down after you put 2 buslengths on him in 3 seconds. Those are slow pigs. Mine couldn't get out of his own way. But if you are looking for a fun cruiser that's not a girly miata, ya can't beat a rotary vert.
  17. Welcome. Just remember this: You can't polish a turd!
  18. I called Tran and his crew. They are on the way over to blow up that eclipse too. Just duck when you hear the sport bikes coming.
  19. I'll never understand why people will spend all that money on engine and turbo goodies and then cheap out with a manual boost controller. Oh,Welcome!
  20. Sorry, pet peeve. In English, it’s “I have seen” or “I saw.” The word "seen" requires the helping verb "have”. In the simple past (no helping verb), the expression is “I saw,” not “I seen.” “I have seen a lot of ugly cars, but when I saw that Corvette I couldn’t believe my eyes." I now return you to your regularly scheduled topic...........
  21. If the motor for the top works, that would be miraculous. Is that correct?
  22. I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says "Shenanigans"
  23. Wow Kevin. It's good to see you on here again. I assume you know that the Mazda 3 won't beat an FD either? You actually beat mine too, when I blew the diff at Marion.
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