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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Lustalbert

    Tank Chair

    http://www.tankchair.com/default.htm I want one!
  2. Not only is she going to get some awesome child support if he signs, but now she can go for sole custody, and a lawsuit for pain and suffering from getting beat up. There goes his signing bonus.
  3. Correct. The next time it is posted, it shall be exempt, unless there is an amendment to the repost by-laws, and this amendment is ratified by a 2/3rds vote by curently active members on the repost comittie.
  4. It is almost a classic. Classics are exempt from repost regulations.
  5. Lustalbert

    N Korea

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060619/ap_on_re_as/nkorea_missile_25;_ylt=AlrPVqTGkTXCjnq.NdUnm4.CscEA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl If only we could get Iran and Korea to wipe each other out.
  6. You will hafto go with a cargo carrier. I had my 425 block shipped from Washington, it was ~$350, shiped teminal to terminal. Put it on a skid, build a good frame around it, then get some 1/4" plywood and build a box around it.
  7. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5430343841227974645
  8. 50 ft rope to long? Or did that mod get put off for now?
  9. Tear gas and riot batons? Pussy. Why give them the continued random chance to procreate. http://www.101st506hrs.org/images/grenade.jpg BTW, I cant watch the video at work, the website is blocked. Cliffs?
  10. I belive the self mutilation thing is a form of built in self preservation for the species. These people know they will never do anything usefull for scocitey, and they are trying to off themselves early so more fitting people can continue the procreation of the species without the tainted "EMO" DNA. I am realy intrested to see what these kids are like in a few years when thier parents stop suporting thier asses, and reality hits them square in between the eyes. Oh wait, it will be someone elses fault, someone didnt love them, and they are entitled to a free ride.
  11. Damn man, shoulda called, Im just a throw off of sawmill and 270. I woulda brought some water down to ya.
  12. This morning the first 6 threads all where sporting the :nws: icon. I love this place.
  13. New meaning to the term "Getting you face done"
  14. You could fly a crop duster loaded with anthrax or some nerve agent over it though.
  15. I would say this thread has the inteligenge level of a vaccum tube, but I would not want to insult ENIAC.
  16. harbor freight has the drill powered ones for cheap FYI.
  17. Damn, last time I saw you was chipoltle on sawmill like spring of 05.
  18. Although I would rather not give this thread the satisfaction of my presence, I must ask: What the fuck is a dush bag?
  19. Swap in a built 455 w/ 200 4r and you have a very driveable sleeper. :nod:
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