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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. I am looking forward to the apocalypse. Im going to be naughty. Dr. Strangelove anyone?
  2. Made it about 1/3rd of the way. I will be reading it in instalments.
  3. Can we burry him nex to a pig? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeez? Beter idea. Ham hat. Bacon shirt. Sausage belt. Baby back rib shorts. Pig foot shoes.
  4. I might have a little something set aside.
  5. Well, no shit. Next time I am over I am swapping cars. The wifes is a 00 GT 2DR, same color.
  6. 7 cases per person. I will now be renting out the buick. FYI, Rickenbacker still has a good selection of basics, but not as much as the used to stock, and is cheaper than kentucky. WPAFB is an alcoholics dream. The Class VI out there is the size of 2-3 state stores. No tax and no state minimum requirements FTW.
  7. That thing is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Hurry up and buy one before it gets pulled off the shelf.
  8. Lustalbert


    When I worked at NTB, a wheel lock was worth about 20 seconds, 10 of wich was to walk over to my tool box and back.
  9. That has got to take some balls to tow that thing. :idea: :bad idea: :Probably kill someone idea: Take that tube kite, and tow it behind this: http://www.xtremerotaries.com/main2/Quicksilver/60-102mph.wmv
  10. Wow! That is great! I wonder if that MP will enjoy an article 15....
  11. Im going to mount a vulcan on the front of my Buick. Liquid deer is easier to resolve than body work.
  12. Good medical advice: Get a 5lb bag of ice. 1lb in a bag for your back, the other 4lbs in a cooler to keep the beer cold.
  13. 350-400 from a 327? Very posible. They can rev the hell out of those if it was built well. Looking forward to pics, congrats man.
  14. Hey Ronnie- By chance, what where you drinking? If it was some rot gut well shit that you got out of the bargin bin at the state store, you suck at life. If however, you where sipping on a fine whiskey, please let me know. I would then consider you ass "pre-marinated" Thanks
  15. Bullshit. When gunpowder was invented, all teritory became ours, and everything made it on the menu.
  16. From the North, Take I-71 South, Exit at Morse/Sinclair Road, Turn Right on Sinclair, Turn Right on Freeway Drive, Follow around to 1000 Freeway Drive East. http://www.abwholesaler.com/columbusdistributing/Custom/KegSales
  17. Lustalbert


    You just made me smile.
  18. Bottles are for babies. Boost that beyotch! And yes, IPS FTW. Tank was very helpfull w/ my FI.
  19. 440 mopar, 8:1, mild cam 130 on all but #4, 30 on #4. #4 had an exhaust valve that had a rather large crack in it.
  20. You are .05 from having a real firearm. 1911 FTW
  21. Mosty realtors have a web based search engine. HER, Remax, Century21, Coldwell Banker, ect...
  22. for top speed..... Have you disabled the stock rev limiters on the motors? What motors are in that anyways? IIRC, they do make larger housings and impelers. I used to work on tigersharks and baracudas, and we could get specialty parts for those.
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