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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Lustalbert

    Im new

    Welcome. Dont be afraid to get greasy, and if you get stuck on something, there is bound to be someone on here that has had that same problem beofre. post up in the Tech section, or hit the archives at the bottom. Lotsof good reading.
  2. At least it was trash, not a grenade?
  3. Lustalbert


    Here is an idea: Punctuation. Please use it so my eyes don't bleed every time you post. Welcome noob.
  4. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26158
  5. The pot metal fitting, are you refering to the POS that the heater line plugs into? If so, plan on getting a new water pump when you go to replace it, the pot metal snaps off, and the threads are coroded in place. 3 of them so far, all 3 the same thing.
  6. Hello noob. Now shut the fuck up. The majority of us could give a fuck less about the movie, it is the asshat kids that watch it, then go out and think they have "mad skillz" and try to drive like the stunts in the movie that cause the issues. $500 says there will be no less than 5 riced out cars that will try to do a burnout at the theatre on opening night, and not less than 1 of them will lose control and hit someone elses car.
  7. I am going to take seveal hundred gallons of water this winter and make an ice sheet on a local road. Then I will chisel ruts in it and put up a video camera and watch the cars stack up. That was great.
  8. IIRC, isnt there a dynomat product that has a few mils of lead in it to help really deaden road noise? I am sure that would kill the cell signal in a heatbeat.
  9. If you ever wondered what keeps Davis Besse from falling apart: http://www.shurtape.com/default.aspx?Tabid=75&Level1=46&Level2=53
  10. The drugs busts are great, but what I really want to know is some of the excuses that you have heard. C'mon, lets hear em.
  11. Negative. If it was regular coke, that place wouldbe stick for weeks. Nutrasweet is not near as sticky as sugar. That vid was bad ass. What is the chemicl reaction, and what is it producing, or is it just releasing all the cabonation at one time?
  12. Does the festiva need to have a drivetrain in it?
  13. Lustalbert

    New girl

    Her age is in earth years though. Satan has been around way more than 26 years, the 24 earth years you claim is only relevant to the age of the vessel that you are ocuping on this tour of your future kingdom. You original age of several hundred melinia allows her to be your daughter. /hijack
  14. Rane: Drugs are bad, M'kay? Going to re inventory the suplies this weekend, rotate the medical stuff out of date, ect. Ill be there to help, just dont be stupid and shoot at the vehicles. I just got done painting that 5 ton.
  15. Lustalbert

    New girl

    Looks like you need to be coughing up some child support now
  16. Damn, that sucks. At least you made it out, cars can be replaced.
  17. Lustalbert

    noobie here

    If you like abuse, you came to the right place. Welcome
  18. Correct I know a few recruiters.
  19. Lustalbert


    Uh oh... Noob welcoming a Noob.
  20. Lustalbert

    New girl

    :leghump: Better?
  21. Lustalbert

    New girl

    Nice first name.
  22. Damn! How many points would that be worth on tony hawk?
  23. Wrong Use this: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/moab.htm I get a hardon every time I read the specs.
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