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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Dumbass. And for the record, I have never driven drunk. Ever.
  2. For all the flame potential this thread had, none of it really came to bear fruit.
  3. I have a spare 10 bolt out of an 86 pontiac parissenne (caprice, whatever) Leme know if you think it would work for you.
  4. http://myspace-587.vo.llnwd.net/00434/78/52/434052587_l.jpg She scares me. In a good way.
  5. How is he putting this V-8 in? Front engine/rwd, Front engine/FWD, Rear engine/RWD? If it is done without making any major exterior mods, :thumbup: sleeper.
  6. Ditch the rear seat and swap a Ford GT powertrain into it. Fixed
  7. Sleeper in progress here, no details will be released till it is done though......
  8. The large diesels have enough cyliner volume that they will typical be able to reach the ignition tempature witout requiring a glow plug. I just went out and checked, my 230 cummings does not have glow plugs. It does have a compresion release that releases 4 of the cylinders and allows the engine to spin faster and build up compression in the remaining 2 cyls so they have a beter chance of igniting. On some diesels, there is a glow plug and fuel injector in the intake that warms the incoming air when you first start. (basically buils a small fire in the intake) If all else fails, eteher will get it done (atrisk of making the engine an "ether baby" dueto the wash down on the cyl walls making it start to lose compression. Due to the heavy internals of the diesel(piston that has to withstand the compression force, high initial pressure fo the ignition, potentially high EGT) and the longer stroke to make the higher compression ratio, they just dont spin fast. There are some exceptions with the smaller diesels, they have a shorter throw, and can rev decent (anyone, espicially the ogre, whats the redline on a diesel VW rabbit?) EGT is the killer on the diesel, if it gets close to the softening point of aluminum, your piston is going to look like Tilley's piston. Quick info on tractor pulling, you hafto use the stock block. Thats about it. Whatever you can cram into that block, go fo it. Also, they use external girdles to help keep the head from coming of the top, and the crank from coming out of the bottom. Some are running 120+psi on staged turbos, and also use water injection as an intercooler. Very interesting to look under the hood, even more interesting to help build one.
  9. MSD 5 & 6 are legal in california. When you flip through your jegs or summit catalog, some parts have C.A.R.B. exemtion numbers (California/Comunist Air resources Board). Some part are actually legal, but you hafto put to CARB sticker on the part when you install it. BTW, anyone manage to save the video? I didnt get to watch it.
  10. color, sex, cops, whistle tips, all we need is a religion joke and I think we got it all.
  11. Just build it, well tell you when we see it.
  12. My buick is right up there. 140HP + 4200lbs + aerodynamic drag af a vending machine = retarded slow. BTW, velcomen
  13. My jive is a little rusty, but I assume this pertains to contolled substances.
  14. Yet more proof that the gene pool needs some chlorine.
  15. And with that, this thread has now guarnteed at least a 3 day lifespan. Or will spawn a thread that should hit 5 pages minnum.
  16. Sure do. The wife put choclate suryup on her bewbies
  17. He does not violate them. They are willing and or begging praticipants because he is teh P I M P. and yes, mot of those guages do make sense to me as well.
  18. Spring break is next week? So add a week or two for editing and post production, then distrobution.... Sweet! Another Girls Gone Wild video!
  19. Happy B-day mang. Hope you got some birthday ass.
  20. Spotting pistons? They arent getting pregnant are they?
  21. 5 years off, not to bad. If I was getting an engine from that era, Id still rather go with a rocket, rat, or hemi. Oh wait, I do have engines from that era....
  22. 1974? All I know is that engine bay is in dire need of some cleaning time.
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