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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Lustalbert


    Is that a cat with a huge nutsack in your avitar?
  2. Lustalbert

    2 weeks

    Dont worry, shit talking will comence soon. Michigan sucks. Ann arbor is a whore. Better?
  3. now the thead is worthless
  4. Electric pump should be on if the key is in the start or run position. Can you tell what kind of pump it is? Have a fuel filter instaled anywhere in line? Also, is there a pressure regulator between the pump and the carb? Next thing to do, adust the float level, see if it is just set wrong. if that dosent get it, pull the bowl, check the neddle seat, make sure there isnt some dirt holding it open. Also check the float, make sure it isnt collapsed or rusted/leaking. Oh, and if you want, just megasquirt that bitch with a tbi unit. Make sure you get some good weatherproof conectors, salt spray would eat up a poor conection quickly.
  5. Go browns. Even though they suck, im still a fan.
  6. This was a good way to start my morning. By contrast, a great way to start my morning is by having my coffe deliverd by a stripper that then gets under my desk and spends the rest of the morning down there.
  7. Lustalbert

    New Guy

    you would drive anywhere for that penis. Velcomen.
  8. http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?&DID=7&Partnumber=240-130 http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?&DID=7&Partnumber=240-135 Using both parts will allow you to retain the use of your pc speakers so you can play a game while listening to the radio on your reciver. Just plug the splitter into the back of your pc, then plug the pc speakers into one jack, and the 3.5 to rca cable in the other. Alternately, if your reciver and computer are both new enough, you could run a optic cable from your pc to the reciver if you use it to play dvds and want to retain the surround encoding for multiple chanels. Radioshack should have these parts as well.
  9. Congrats, good looking peice of property. Any plans on putting a deck on the back? Pic of the GF in kitchen = teh win. Keep her there where she belongs.
  10. What where the police thinking? They should have taken pictures of the act for "evidence"
  11. Plan on burning a vacation day or 2. Alum creek dmv sucks. Also, have someone drive you there. If they dont get it cleared up, you will be calling a cab to take you home because in thier eyes, your liscence is still suspeded.
  12. So, I cant help but wonder, what sort of POS log raft where they using that the cruise ship was able to outrun them?
  13. Fossil. Go die so I can put you in my gas tank.
  14. Dear God. This shit roxors!!!!1!
  15. Now thats fucked up. Can we send an aircraft carier down there to play?
  16. You would hafto stop polishing stuff, all the metal dust would kinda kill the invisible part.
  17. Congrats! I have a cuban reserved for you.
  18. I have the awnser to the deer problem. http://www.eme421.com/870dr12.jpg
  19. Can we chose where anthony kisses?
  20. Lustalbert


    If you are worried about being slow, you can take your moms buick while I am busy fucking her
  21. 5 bucks a year souds good to me. Canning some of the shit heads is bonus also.
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