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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. A buddy had a 99, I6, 4wd. Always had computer problems, throwing codes, and the tranny took a dump. Have you considered the older tahoes? 88 up are a fairly good looking vehicle, and almost all parts are the same as the trucks. We had a 1993 burban with the 5.7, 4wd, and it got about 16 pulling a 4 place snowmobile trailer, 19 normal freeway. The 1500 chasis was a little light for pulling trailers, would have prefered the 2500, but since the tahoe is shorter, it sould probably ride better.
  2. Did not know that the scanner was ilegal in a vehicle. Got the law that states that? Dont doubt you, just intresred in reading the law.
  3. ticket for not having the stock belt on? That is fucking retarded.
  4. gear wine if from the spacing not being set right. Did he get in between the teeth and check with a feeler gauge?
  5. shrimp salad, shrimp burger, shrimp kabobs, shrimp patty, shrimp filets, shrimp dip, shrimp bread, shrimp soup.................. I am actualy alergic to shrimp
  6. Holy repost Batman! Always wanted to say that
  7. negative here. Im sure one will fall off a truck soon and be available for evaluation.
  8. http://www.gulfnews.com/Articles/NationNF.asp?ArticleID=184720 discus
  9. after nov 6 for me. Ill be in aruba from oct 22 till then
  10. Now that is just an intresting price. Finaly got the doctors bill from finishing the install of marc's vagina?
  11. Well, No shit. Congrats to him for finding the sucker born that praticular minute.
  12. Judging from the avitar, he should be right at home here. Velcomen
  13. Macintosh II paperweight IIGS play some games from my childhood when I am bored (Carmen Sandiago it still sweet)
  14. Are you fucking kidding me.............
  15. wow. maybe its suposed to be a mod so she can fit behind the wheel better? Still, looks damn good.
  16. Kinda designed so you have a thowaway one so you dont hafto take your good camera into an "iffy" location. Also, I belive one of the perks of moding your camera are that you can change the resolution. Max i think is 600x480
  17. Lesbians are not queer. They are awesome! I suppoet gay mariage, as long as both chicks are hot.
  18. I wish I could look at them here at work. I am a little bored today.
  19. uhhhhh. wonder what it would do in the 1380
  20. People have complete kits on ebay, cable and camera.
  21. 650 @ 72 means the cca is guarnteed to be less. Using a standard conversion of .69 (this is a rough aproxamation for the chemical reactions slowing down from the temp change from ca to cca) (0*F) i got 448, so aprox 450 cca. 300 for a batery that I get one shot at it when its cool out, if im lucky, and forget about it in the winter? Ill stick to my heavy assed 1000 cca bateries and have the peace of mind knowing that ill be the one giving the jump start.
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