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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Higher education is not a public service. K-12 is. If you want to invest in yoursef by obtaining a higher education, feel free to do so, that is your right. You then have a duty to do something with that education and pay back your loans, or apply yourself while in school and work to pay as you go. The last thing that should happen is for the goverment to pay for anyone that wants to obtain a higher education for free. The college would then have no real check on the quality of education that students recive, as the institution knows they will recive thier funding so long as students show up, and pass the (most likely) goverment mandated tests (sounds like K-12, train to take a test) The GI bill - Its a contract. Just like buying a hose. You decide you want to go with a different house, so you can just stop making payments on the one you just bought? I don't think so. Honerable Dicharge - Really not that difficult. Show up, do your job, lay off the pot for a few years, get the pay and benefits promised my your employer. Seems simple to me. 17K debt? I see students on the OSU campus diving cars that cost more than that. Heres a thought, live within your means while in college. If a 17K loan paid back over 15 years is killing your budget, get a second job. That shiny new degree is only worth what you use it for, if you cant do some evening work at McD's to cover that payment while you enter the professional world, maybe you deserve to fail. Before you say I dont know what it is like, I have attended college. I served my time in the military for that benefit. My wife has student loans well above that average amount, we are paying them back just fine.
  2. Personal responsibility. Lack of it. /thread
  3. AIM surplus had a few yesterday still. aimsurplus.com Good luck.
  4. But no pics of the girl she was "educating"? Fail.
  5. Lustalbert


    History is fun. Just remember it is usually the victor of the battle that writes the history book.
  6. I have a hacksaw and some duct tape.... BTW, have you considered having a lager (dia) shaft made and then the ends turned down and splined?
  7. But more than one of those apply to me...... 2 weeks then I can bring out the LS6.
  8. I heard Bill was there with her. Must have been thingking of a difrent kind of poll worker when he said he would go with her.
  9. Correct, a felon can not own a firearm. Or a machette. Or other instuments similar. I don't belive the castle law offers the protection of self defense untill the intruder enters your home (forced entry, or an open window), so, no, the castle law would not apply here. I however, am not a lawyer, so I will defer to someone liscenced to practice law for a final answer on this.
  10. Some people alredy smell like it.....
  11. Almost a form of natural selection. Damn are people dumb.
  12. Just a short read. You Tube has the video somewhere for full effect.
  13. Correct. the earth has its own (just slightly slower) recycling system.
  14. It came from the earth, it will return to the earth. We just put it in a difrent location for the time being.
  15. If you want to bring it by, I will be at my shop all week in the evenings. By lenox area. Shoot me a PM
  16. One thing to bear in mind: Matress cover. Some warnties specify that to warnty the ,atress, it must be stain free. So if you are breaking out the jello and motor oil for a good night of fun, make sure you have the matress cover on* I bought a nice set about 4 years ago, it is a hybrid, decent matress with 4" of memory foam on it. I can sleep on a rock, so no biggie for me, but my wife has problems sleeping on anything other than it. *Not from personal experiance, honest.....
  17. And onther no1 team goes down.
  18. Families that have lost a Soldier are also eligible (gold star family plate)
  19. The proper tem for a Hilo liscence is "Rotary wing aircraft" It gots wing, so I gues you gota get in it now.
  20. Lustalbert

    WTB a gun

    Cleaning up the blood somehow become a moot point with that methood.
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