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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Just saw this, figured I would post it in here. F the prius
  2. My VIC-20 is still sitting in a box, tape drive and a few tapes intact. I may need to dig it out and see if it still runs.
  3. Toolshed? I grew up on a farm, full sized workshop FTW. There are still holes in the roof from when I was working on a welding rod launcher. I am watching you.......
  4. 35 the whole way from 315 to sawmill. I run about 40 and get passed like I am standing still. There is also a sheriff that will sit at the bottom of the hill just east of the school, usually on the north side of the road.
  5. For those who watch Jeopardy, one of my freiends I have known since Jr. high finally made it. His intro on the Jeoprady site. Local news story
  6. But can it move under its own power? Congrats!
  7. BTW, what is the liscence fee they are wanting to be paid? I have not seen the dollar amount it takes to purchase the RIAA's blessing on a webcast. I can say the invasion of privacy sickens me, and the anti-trust exemptions afford to the RIAA is absolutely disturbing.
  8. You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts. Do not call them for this.
  9. His parents must not pay enough atention to him. The things a good ass beating would have prevented.
  10. 2 more days this thread turns 2 years old.
  11. They dont need reduced. They just need to regain the "perk"
  12. Damn. So the mexican police turned in $206 million. I wonder how many of them will be sporting a new mercedes next week.
  13. He knows she already put out at least once.....
  14. Do go on. This sounds like the kind of story that may save this thread from becoming a complete waste of digital code and bandwidth.
  15. They have found fossils of tropical plants in antartica. I am curious how those got there, did the cavmen leave the thermostat in thier cave turned up while they drove thier coal fired SUVs to work? Climate change may be happening, however I would like to see how we have any control over it. Compared to the emesions of every other living thing on this earth, we are nothing. BTW, anyone pointing out this little bit of data: "The combined temperature for the December-February period was 1.3 degrees F (0.72 degree C) above the 20th century mean, the agency said. " Keep in mind you are using data collected 100+ years ago. Do you really trust equipment based on the technology of that time to be acurate to 1 degree? Someone please bring up that rag the U.N. just put out, that thing is nothing but diplomats skewing science to make the report say what they want it to.
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