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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Grandkids "What did you do on vacation grandpa?" Grandpa - "I killed a man with my bare hands. If my yard isnt mowed in the next hour you are all next."
  2. Does it have any of the following? Cruise Control Fuel Tank, Auxiliary Steering Wheel, Tilt Steering, Power Im toying with it, working on druming up the cash right now.
  3. One of these ever 1/2 mile on the border would clean up alot of the problem. You might make it through, but not looking to likely. http://www.50bmgstore.com/images/Barrett82A1.jpg
  4. 3 months and he was back on the job? Dude has some brass balls!
  5. Wait, you are accepting cash to be flimed getting fucked. You are a pice of meat you dumb cunt. You no longer have dignity, quit acting like you have standards or some shit.
  6. I suspect she will have hemorhiods long before she starts collecting social security.
  7. some of thoe don't look to bad. Some of the look like the already put the car in a crusher. I wonder what kind of deal you can get on the drivetrain.
  8. By "IT" are you refering to her sanity, her looks, her career, or all of the above?
  9. Your wife is hot. Get used to it.
  10. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=614033 I cant wait to see what Kevin does to this poor shlub. BTW, thread is 70 pages right now.
  11. At least it isnt that open hollow fart sound. Kinda muffles it a bit. That kind of being the whole fucking point of a muffler. Still uber gheyness.
  12. "Although Smith couldn't complete the re-test Wednesday because the passenger-side door of her car was broken and could not be opened for a DMV staffer, Smith's license remains valid, Wysocky said." Uhhh more like nobody from the DMV would risk thier life getting in the car with her. "The car had only small dents and scrapes. Land yacht FTW.
  13. Where is the pic of me humping E-Rock on the tube? BTW, we need to do that again. 40 MPH on snow tube FTW.
  14. 50-50, what a novel idea. My dad had to give my mom 1/2 of everything, plus her legal fees, plus capitol gains taxes on everything that he sold would have to come out of his half. Mind you, family farm. It takes a long time to make the value of the land from the profit after you pay for equipment, repairs, seed, fuel, ect... Judge was a flaming liberal amd NAG (national asosciation of gals) member (A.K.A. NOW) /rant Back on topic, you can wire transfer it to my accaount, and I will only require a small percentage to keep it safe for you.
  15. It would seem the AWD crowd has something to fear now....
  16. Seems like decades ago. I need to come out more often.
  17. Get him to enlist. This is a socialy acceptable behavior when deplyed. Ask Brian.
  18. When I was in Chicago for a military conferance he was a speaker there, awesome guy. BTW, he is a former squib.
  19. That cruchy thud was excelent. I had to replay it a few times at full volume.
  20. Plowed her this morning, then spent 5 hours with a snow shovel diging out her car. I am not going to be able to move tomorrow morning.
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