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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. The kids. Are you in favor of letting these people that spend the money on drugs continue to recive a check becuase they have kids? The tought of them using thier kids as a human shild on thier income stream is sickening. If they are getting high on my dime, and I am already paying to raise thier children, perhaps they should be moved to a better home with better infuances, such as a foster home. Foster parents need to pass a background check, and as far as I know are subject to random visits so the welfare of the children is verified.
  2. On a side note, why do most owners of the "Donk" or "box" vehicles feel compeled to put a number on the side of thier vehicle denoting the size of thier rims? Perhaps there is a formula to explain this: Rim size = 15 + x. x = normal size of wang / size of rim owners wang.
  3. Never said anything about black or white. Just a good random sampling. Once a year when you go in to get your check, you will be screened. Random date. Maybe we will hit you on the first, then hit you on the 15th so both years are taken care of at once.If you know this is a posibility, and you go to a party and get toked the night before you go to get your check, bad call, you pay for it. Also, if you are unemployed, why are you going to parties instead of looking for a job?
  4. Lustalbert


    It is a beautifull night to stare at the underside of a car. One of these days I will have a vehicle that is worth bringing out.
  5. From the ACLU site: "A positive result in a drug test does not necessarily identify a drug problem." Do you have a prescription for the drug we found? No? That is a problem. Something that the rest of us might call "breaking the law" I have no problem with someone who does a little recreational smoking for thier own personal pleasure. As long as they have been productive and are funding thier own pleasure. If you are rolling up my paychecks and getting a buzz at my expense, I have a very real prolem. As far as booze and smokes, in theory foodstamps can not be used to purchase tabacco or alcohol, but some how it still happens. Maybe a little more reformation would clean up this problem, but that is a subjecto for a seperate thread.
  6. Holy what the fuck. More stupidity.
  7. Ill take my couch sized seats and huge trunk over that any day. Try having a 3 way in that car. Not gona happen. No place to stash the bodies of the unwilling either.
  8. Cleaned the garage, or shaved your ass?
  9. I just cleaned up my shop some. Moved all the parts to one side, swept the floor, then moved all the shit to the other side and swept the rest of it out. Although I got precicely dick done on my car, at least the shop is cleaner now... I need to take a month off of work.
  10. Was that car made of tinfoil? Damn lucky driver though.
  11. Eh? Buick > WTF windows. True story
  12. She can be your trophy wife. Ill be the gardener that takes care of her
  13. Negative on inspections/emissions. If they want to do a safety check (PA still does this, don't they) that could be tollerable. Just a quick visual, safety belts, tires, frame rot, draging exhaust, fog machine, ect.
  14. With an E.T. of 6.666, I would retire from racing on the spot. Just not a good number...
  15. Our education system at work!
  16. TV tuner card for a PC. HD, cable, video games, and most inportantly, PORN all n large format.
  17. Manufaturers web description Sorry, I wont be able to get pics till this weekend.
  18. That is an expensive road bubble. I actually liked the Charger police video better.
  19. Orange juice FTW. *By orange juice, I mean a full glass of vodka on the rocks, with a splash of orange juice for color.
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