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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. run msconfig, check your startup tab and see if there are any programs there that don't belong.
  2. TNG > DS9, but DS9 is really good. Haven't watched a ton of it, but I enjoy whenever I do.
  3. He's rowdy, but he's no hillbilly. :lolguy: edit: fun trivia, Lwaxana Troi is Gene Roddenberry's wife and also the voice of the computer
  4. I always figure if I'm gonna get charged with something and eventually convicted I might as well have the joy of doing what I'm being charged with.
  5. When I got back from Boston I went to my parents'/their company Xmas party. Good times all around, did the "so what are you doing now" thing, and left before it got wild. Fast forward 3 hours, I'd been drinking with a couple friends and wanted to steal some leftover booze from the party, so my buddies and I swing past the folk's house. Walk in through the garage and see them and 3 couples pounding shots of tequila in various states of semi-consciousness in the living room. Say a quick hello, snag a bottle of bourbon, and head out on my way. Fas forward to the next morning. Call from Mom nice and early "Hey when you came back last night, was Ed(friend) with us?" "Yeah..." "Because Deb (Ed's wife) has no idea where he is" "Well he can't have gone far, they live down the street" "Well, he definitely did because we lost him last night and organized a search party to [drunkenly] canvas the neighborhood and couldn't find him" Fast forward 1 hour. Text from mom "Deb found him. Apparently last night he walked home and fell asleep under his desk in the study". The moral of the story is don't be Ed.
  6. There was likely a monetary settlement of sorts between the two sides' lawyers.
  7. You'd get drunk, drive her into a river, then walk away and tell no one?
  8. yep. be careful on 670 going in to downtown. speed drops to 45 I got ticketed on the first day they dropped it in Nov '11.
  9. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/africa/2012/12/2012121045743612713.html or Nigerian scam :gabe: I know I'm going to hell for that. edit: seriously I feel bad for the woman.
  10. It's actually going to trial and there's 5 or 6 witnesses? Lady must have an awesome or terrible lawyer. Be sure to try the Jury Room for food when you're done. Good drinks and food.
  11. Marchionne is a great CEO, he's doing everything he can to merge FIAT and Chrysler as efficiently as possible in the current economic climates in both Detroit and Italy, and it seems the unions on both sides of the pond are doing whatever they can to stand in the way of it. I'm not a kneejerk anti-union guy (lots of teachers in my extended family) but it's really annoying because I think there is a lot of good innovation potential for all automakers at this moment, but labor issues are tanking everything. I feel for you, my undergrad International Relations degree might as well say "Graduated daycare from ages 18-21 with a concentration in playing with globes". Really all I learned in college was time management and how to not act like an unprofessional douchebag. But that's pretty much all Int'l Relations is. I don't think high school AP credits in calculus and physics qualify me for the type of work you're looking for. EDIT: I meant to expand on my first thought. I think Marchionne is really committed to using the engineering potential of the U.S. labor market, but I think it's going to take a miracle for Detroit to make it a reality. In everything I've seen from him, he seems to want to bail on Italy for American shores completely.
  12. What're you hiring for :gabe: FIAT owns 58.5% of 1/3 of the Big Three now. Surprisingly relevant to this thread. http://imgur.com/a/ffGdg
  13. good job bumping a 2 month old sale thread :dumb:
  14. I should specify I read this in an article about jobs for recent grads. Basically it was the difference of a job that'd pay $40k in a city like columbus would pay $50k in detroit.
  15. I don't get what's so special. Cars are supposed to drive on 4 wheels, not 2. JK thats pretty badass.
  16. IM AN ADMIN!!! I WILL TRIPLE POST ON TOP OF YOU! ...bold red font ~ BC if you have to ask... edit: C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER
  17. They have filmed a few recent movies in Detroit, but PA and OH have recently become more "business friendly" to Hollywood. The Avengers was partially filmed in Cleveland, and the sequel will feature more Cleveland. Batman series went from Chi-town to Pittsburgh. Also, re: population loss, if you're an engineer, it pays BIGTIME to get a job in Detroit. Salaries average something like 25% better just for working in Detroit.
  18. Especially among the fine citizens of CR :gabe:
  19. Thanks! I'll be sure to get in touch if the weather lets up this weekend.
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