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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. the buster finally contributes something awesome
  2. If we allow everyone to have personal surface to air missiles, we won't need the military. 2nd amendment says its ok. economy solved.
  3. You only say that because you're a Muslim Commie Nazi
  4. I read another article that was much more in-depth. I believe that some phones are sold unlocked even if the carrier has the option to lock it (iPhone 5 on Verizon was cited as an example). Also, I believe this only applies to phones sold at the insanely discounted prices when you sign a contract. So if you were to go in and pay full retail price without signing a new contract, your phone is unlocked. Additionally, contrary to what was posted by Mowgli, the other thing I read said that after the contract is up they will unlock it for you, though you still can't do it yourself. Again, this was all just what I read through another source. When the company is so heavily subsidizing your price, I can understand them not wanting to you unlock the phone to access a bunch of shit they'd rather monetize. Pay full retail, get what you want, simple as that.
  5. Lawyers cost a lot, and they don't just hand out free advice. You wouldn't come on CR looking for a surgeon to stitch you up really quick on the cheap, would you?
  6. I guess what we're REALLY missing is the Gilded Age racial stereotyping that comes with building rafts.
  7. I blame all my failures as an adult on the fact that I never truly put my heart into building a raft as a child.
  8. I came to this thread to post what a great job DJ has done for me on my build, only to see this.
  9. http://pistol-training.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/correctionchartright.jpg Your comments indicate that you're knowledgeable enough about this but n00bs like I was and still sorta am can learn from it.
  10. I work right by the Brice/Scarborough traffic camera light. There is 1 camera at the intersection. It is set up on the side of the street that I used to see the FEWEST people run the red light. It is set up on the only side of the intersection that has a right turn lane with no dedicated arrow signal. It is reasonable to assume they did this not in the interest of public safety, but because it's the most logical position to get people doing the "California roll" through the right on red.
  11. Bingo. I see that thing flash when there's not even anyone in the right turn lane. It's ridiculous.
  12. If/when the product gets popular, price will definitely decrease. Plus, I've gotten the $95 "administrative fee" for not coming to a complete stop on a right on red. Not a dangerous move, just one that I'd have no chance arguing in court.
  13. First of all, I'm in no way affiliated with this company, they just happen to be Ohio-based. Probably because we're the cross section of the only people aware enough of the crock of shit that are traffic cameras and the only people innovative enough to figure out a way around it. http://www.nophoto.com/pages/how-it-works Very clever. It in no way obscures your plate like a dark plate cover would, so it's less questionable in the eyes of the law.
  14. http://www.sarah-the-english-gardener.com/images/WhiteBackground_Adjustable.gif
  15. You're misunderstanding my argument. I'm not saying that calling a gun a tool is inaccurate, I'm saying the argument that all tools should be treated equally is silly. Dynamite is also a tool. It's very good at helping us access minerals in the earth and is way more efficient than a pickaxe. Does that mean every American should be able to stock their toolshed full of it? The "NO ONE IS TRYING TO BAN HAMMERS" argument is just as silly as the "EVERYONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HAVE DYNAMITE" argument IMO.
  17. I could see doing a W2 while driving, but 1099? YOU'LL FUCKING KILL SOMEBODY.
  18. I feel like I say this ad nauseum. A shovel is a tool for shoveling. Its specific purpose is to move dirt. It just happens to be good at killing things when used for that purpose. A gun is a tool for killing. It is not good for tilling earth. It is not good for constructing buildings. It is not good for ensuring proper bolt tightness. It is not good for most tasks other than killing. I can't help but categorize this in the same realm as reducto at hitlerum. It's freaking silly.
  19. I hear nothing but amazing customer satisfaction from people who insure with Cincinnati, Erie, and Grange. It always makes me sad when I see someone driving a car that I KNOW has bluetooth with a cell phone glued to their head.
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