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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. You could always start listening to your digital music in FLAC format.
  2. We do deposit upon agreed price, and never more than 24hr hold. It was difficult to explain why to a lady who wanted us to hold a car for 3 weeks, but refused to agree to a price. OP, good luck. Sounds like this dude is going to get what's coming to him; you may not recover funds, but I think given the e-trail this moron's left behind there will be a way to track him.
  3. Please, provide a quote/source where Obama himself apologized to the terrorists. http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/sp/image/1348/01/1348016592041.jpg
  4. Blame cannot be placed on one side or the other. It's a joint failure. Yes, the unions are right to point out that they are being asked to give up things they've worked hard for and were promised. Yes, upper-level salaries have increased disproportionately to lower level. While the company was mismanaged, one union (not all of them, i.e. Teamsters) failed to do what was needed to remain competitive, as did upper management. This is but a microcosm of what can potentially happen to the U.S. as a country. Everyone on all sides feels entitled, which is justified to an extent, but it times of hardship it us up to EVERYONE to make sacrifices, and to compromise.
  5. holy tits thats good. BRB calling ATT about switching from VZW
  6. There is more to this story than OP lets on. Also, if it were the other way around (Obama sends in the troops), I have a feeling the same people claiming our CIC is spineless would be saying "WHY ARE WE WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY ON ISRAELI DOMESTIC ISSUES GTFO NOT MY PRESIDENT"
  7. http://www.capoliticalreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/hostess-bankrupt.jpg
  8. too much cream filling for you to handle? there, now that's over with. someone'll scoop them out of bankruptcy, somehow cut the unit cost of a twinkie from $.01 to $.0001, they'll suck for the rest of time, and we'll be old and decrepit telling our grandkids "back in my day, Twinkies were so much better"
  9. True enough, and not lacking any substantially mitigating details to the context of this debate, save for the fact that there were 2 other cars; the one he may or may not have been racing as the police report concluded, and a 3rd car behind the incident which had his wife riding along.
  10. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there's probably very few instances of cops street racing in their cruisers. Abusing blue&reds to go through stoplights? Sure. General speeding? Sure. However, even when they're speeding it's a different scenario. Again, I'm generalizing but I feel its pretty accurate to say that I don't see cops speeding, swerving through traffic, and really pushing the limits of control in their cruisers while not responding to an incident. Another small but somewhat important distinction is that police DO have closed tracks, controlled environments where they can regularly push the limits of control and get a feel for the capabilities of their cars. They have access to these facilities in all weather conditions, and IMO I would say it's safe to assert that a randomly picked cop would exhibit better car control in a random environment than a randomly picked person who engages in reckless driving or "street racing". It won't always be true, but because we hold them to a higher standard, we generally give them the resources to make sure they're prepared to stand up to that standard. EDIT: Of course, I am not forgetting the recent incident of 2 cops meeting at a perpendicular intersection. I think one is still in the hospital, but I'm pretty sure one of them wasn't using his lights.
  11. program started in 1984 (Reagan) bolstered in 1996 (Clinton) and put into it's modern iteration in 2008 (Bush). January 2012 the FCC started investigating ways to reduce costs and prevent fraud, though I'm SURE many people will credit that to Congress and not Obama :gabe:
  12. I can't wait until this starts reaching other markets and all the other ISPs are shitting themselves worrying about how they're going to stay competitive. I really home Ohio is on their short list of places to go next. EDIT: in 20 years we're going to look back at this and think the same thing that we now know about long-distance calls...they were just upcharging us to call different area codes because we had no other choice and they could get away with it.
  13. mind: blown edit: for the first time in my life, i'm proud to be a Connecticutian
  14. Everyone who street races and/or drives recklessly assumes a couple things: 1) That they're a good enough driver that they won't hurt themselves or others. 2) That they will not get caught, and if they do, the penalties are worth the risk of engaging in such an activity. 3) That it is not inherently wrong or bad of them to do this. I don't street race, but I think I can reasonably assume that any of you guys who do drive fast, recklessly, or do race at least try to mitigate the dangers of your actions. If you don't you're complete idiots. However, even your attempt to mitigate the danger of your actions is in itself an immature attitude, IMO. I'm not saying you should be taken to the gallows for it, or lose your cars, but the kneejerk reaction to increased penalties for dangerous actions reveals a lot about the attitudes here. It's easy to deflect attention, too. We can look at idiot non-racers and point out how "it's not just people who drive fast that kill! More people are killed by idiots drivers than street racers!" This is also an immature attitude. It makes no attempt to defend the inherently dangerous actions of a reckless speeder or street racer, only to make their actions appear less dangerous by comparison. At the end of the day, we are all probably better-than-average drivers. However, none of us is better than physics, and while we think we are in control of our environment, the attitude we should have if we are to garner any support for our cause (that this type of legislation is unnecessary), we need to recognize that we are not as in control as we think. No one on this board would be crass enough to think they're better than the best F1, NASCAR, or rally drivers in the world, and those guys still crash when they push the limits of control in a controlled environment. To think you're in control while driving riskily in an uncontrolled public environment is not only arrogant, it's foolish. Try to think from her "sob story" point of view. Her life has been set back immeasurably by someone who, prior to many of the facts of the accident arising, CR would have absolutely defended as someone who was in control. He was one of us, and to disregard the lessons of his death or to try to tie them to one single mistake rather than the amalgam of the entire scenario resulting in his lack of control I think destroys the credibility of our collective argument. I don't agree with the extent of this legislation, especially how much discretion can be exercised in the field by police officers, but if that part is to be successfully defeated, the argument must be made from a credible standpoint. Going back to my 3 initial points, this legislation only effects one thing. Obviously this legislation will not change how you evaluate your driving as it relates to the safety of yourself and others. It will also not change whether you think risky driving is right or wrong. Therefore, it can only affect your risk/reward analysis, and that is entirely the point of this legislation.
  15. http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/GifGuide/clapping/riker.gif Brilliant. edit: Don't forget, Blue gets a majority of U.S. Hydroelectric and Nuclear energy production capacity.
  16. Yeah but Al Gore actually won the popular vote by 500k votes. Not saying Al Gore should've been president, as he probably would've sent care packages to Afghanistan on Sept 12.
  17. EPIC SAVE I don't know who the guy is but I see the car parked in front of Z Cucina all the time. EDIT: The one I'm thinking of is red, nvm.
  18. Give the secessionists what they want, but don't allow them to take anything that has been afforded them via any kind of federal subsidies. Or if they do, make them pay heavily for it. Texas wants to secede? Fine, then pay back the Union all the money, adjusted for inflation, that was poured into the Texas interstate system from federal coffers. Any oil rigs in Texas that belong to companies that have received federal subsidies or tax breaks must pay back all those subsidies, plus interest. Every Texas farmer who has received federal subsidies would be on the hook. All loans, business or personal, would be void and reposessions of merchandise would be immediate, since all banking laws would change. Oh, and all bank deposits would no longer be FDIC insured. I wonder what that'd do the the financial stability of the new nation-state. And they say Obama supporters are entitled... Secession is pretty much the most entitled attitude anyone can have. "I didn't get my way so I'm taking YOUR ball and going home" is what it sounds like to me.
  19. I'm thinking this race could go wrong if the drivers get too aggressive through Thunder Valley. Coming over that crest around T11, it's wide enough that someone thinks they can pass, loses traction over the crest and spins, but it's narrow enough that 1 car crashing there could stop the whole field.
  20. There's always wingnuts on both sides, the Reps just get more press because it's on issues that generate more money for media outlets.
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