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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. This movie is the only time REO Speedwagon has made something better.
  3. BUMP with relevant news story http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/23/world/americas/saint-maarten-couple-killed/index.html?hpt=hp_t3
  4. Brand loyalty impedes innovation. That's why each iPhone since the first has had fewer and fewer market-shattering innovations, like the first one did. Android provides a level playing field in terms of OS, and then leaves the actual hardware makers to their own devices to take the most or least advantage of the opportunities afforded by the OS. Samsung, for example, releases a variety of products that take advantage of Android in different ways in the interest of constantly improving.
  5. http://s-ak.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/web03/2011/6/25/5/enhanced-buzz-31863-1308995619-2.jpg
  6. Having lived in Boston, I can confirm that Mayor Menino, as someone who is physically incapable of thought, should not be telling people how to think.
  7. With GPS tracking, tickets could be automatically issued. With fewer man-hours dedicated to sitting by the side of the road checking speeds, police work could be diverted to more socially helpful endeavors and funding, paid for by tickets, could be more effectively diverted to those who help their communities more, rather than just those who issue the most tickets. GPS tracking wouldnt have to issue tickets for every infraction over the speed limit, rather it could just issue tickets for recklessness and prolonged high speeds.
  8. The concept behind mandatory drug testing and ending entitlement is that people who are essentially a drain on others shouldn't benefit from the common pool of tax dollars that we all pay, right? Well, one thing that DEFINITELY doesn't benefit anyone are fast, loud, gas-guzzling cars driven by irresponsible drivers. And when used improperly, like for racing, on roads that are PUBLICLY PAID FOR WITH TAX DOLLARS, the consequences of accidents are often paid for with tax dollars. When a cement barrier or metal guardrail is destroyed by a car, or when a light pole is torn down by racers, that shouldn't be paid for by us INNOCENT TAXPAYERS right? In that vein, I propose that every car that drives on PUBLICLY PAID FOR ROADS be outfitted with GPS trackers. After all, I don't want the roads I PAID FOR WITH MY HARD EARNED DOLLARS to be used for illegal activities like street racing. That way, we can make sure anyone who is doing illegal things like racing is kept off the road and doesn't incur costs to people like me. After all, driving, like welfare, is not something you're entitled to. And if you think putting GPS on an inanimate object like your car is an invasion of privacy, how exactly is someone taking your bodily fluids and DNA any less of an invasion? Just playing devil's advocate here on a level that might be a bit easier to relate to for the CR community.
  9. Decriminalize all drugs, take all funding away from ATF/DEA, and put it towards rehabilitation efforts. Portugal did this. http://www.businessinsider.com/portugal-drug-policy-decriminalization-works-2012-7 Cliffs: Drug addiction was halved, drug-related disease rates and overdoses were more than halved. Given that our (in many cases for-profit, still funded by taxpayers) prison system is over 50% filled with drug-related criminals, one might consider this an effective means of saving money. Getting over the idea of providing healthcare to perceived "criminal drug addicts" in this country will never happen though, so we'll just have to continue throwing money at ATF/DEA. EDIT: I can also say from somewhat personal experience. I have a ton of family in Portugal including one 2nd cousin whose heroin addiction was a massive drain on everyone until heroin became less profitable for traffickers, she was unable to get her fix, and was able to get medical assistance affordably.
  10. While I often agree with your philosophy and adherence to personal responsibility, I believe the welfare of even the well-off individual can be improved by the overall welfare of society. I think that's what this country figured out during the great depression. That while personal responsibility is noble and righteous, sometimes even those who are very personally responsible need a safety net.
  11. You realize a majority of people living on "entitlements" are 40 years older than you, right? EDIT: per wiki, SS keeps roughly 40% of Americans 65 or older out of poverty. I know my parents have enough saved to not need it. How many of you here would be willing and able to fully support your parents should their SS, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits expire, and they not have enough savings to take care of their rising medical costs? Without my parents savings, I know for a fact my sister and I would be completely unable to provide for them.
  12. My brain hurts from trying to comprehend your thinking, so I'm just going to pretend you actually understand why people need welfare and you're just trolling.
  13. In Florida this was shown to be extremely costly to taxpayers. Fewer than 3% of welfare recipients ended up being denied welfare due to failed drug tests, and the state had to reimburse those who passed the tests. It ended up costing the state significantly more to reimburse people than they saved by denying benefits to drug users. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/18/us/no-savings-found-in-florida-welfare-drug-tests.html?_r=0 I understand the concept and the purpose of denying benefits to drug users, but this is obviously not a cost-effective way of doing it. As for sterilization, everyone should be sterilized in a reversible fashion at birth or in youth. When you reach 18, you must pass a test. That test would include things like: -drug screen -how to develop and stick to a budget -understanding credit cards and debt -how to care for a child -are you employed/employable? -mental fitness test if you're able to meet a certain baseline, congrats! you can reproduce.
  14. For the off brands, its tough to go wrong but I'd look for the "house" brands like Emerson or Westinghouse that are basically less high tech LGs If you want a newer one with a brand name, my friends and I have been very loyal to Vizio and Samsung with no faults.
  15. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS CHIP IN THE PAINT ISN'T COVERED BY WARRANTY? It was like that when I bought the car 10 months ago, I just haven't had time to bring it in or call or mention it during my last oil change.
  16. UPPAN GANGNAM STYLE (sorry, I had to)
  17. Holy poop on a stick, thats a great price for that car. Someone needs to scoop it up before a dealer tries to sell it for $23k.
  18. http://i.imgur.com/KgGBY.jpg what, you can't see the difference?
  19. For me it boils down to this: Years ago, iPhone new model announcements were stacked up against the best competition in the marketplace and Apple consistently delivered superior results. The iPhone 5 seems to win every category...against the 4s. Will someone point out something particularly special about the iPhone 5 that would be otherwise unattainable with a competitor product? Or is it just "because Apple"?
  20. This is why its such corrupt BS. The cities that subcontract to the camera operating companies (the cameras are maintained privately, one of the reasons cities are so quick to agree to their terms) tell their police departments that the companies have authority to enforce laws, outside the law. The only thing your scenario is missing is a massive payoff to the city.
  21. If he has an outstanding debt in collections, then yes, it sure as hell shows up on his credit and has probably been hurting it for several months. He'll probably want to address that.
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