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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Just what the title says, I want to buy some 9x18 Makarov if you've got some lying around.
  2. This Delta Wing reminds me of the Chaparrals of old. Fast as hell, gimmicky, doomed for failure, but they will inevitably force everyone else to change the way they do things and move racing/auto tech forward. 2J anyone?
  3. A failure to display for a meter ticket is something you go fight in the court house, tell them that you've rectified the situation (by showing them you now have a front plate on your car) and then you're free to go home and remove said plate. If you don't want to drill into your bumper, consider installing a hide-away front plate underneath the bumper. I have a number of customers who use these: If that's not your cup of tea, use some 2 sided tape, or some tacky putty...I'm not sure how that'll affect your paint, if at all. At least you have a way to get out of your ticket. I've got to pay $50 for parking in a cab zone last night :fuuuu:
  4. does not compute. we've had a couple of these though here, same year same miles, which were sold for roughly $4k more than this...this is a great deal.
  5. If I had half a grand to burn this would be my next gun. GLWS.
  6. I was rear ended in a FIAT by a pickup truck doing the same speed, if not more, and it ended up being less than $2k to repair. Less visible damage though.
  7. Your 12ga is a bit more decorated than this one :gabe: Still a good deal.
  8. This. I read this when I first entered the business. Then it was eye-opening and I was amazed. Reading it now I'm just feel like http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/270/805/ac3.jpg edit; still worth a read though
  9. Two rules, man: Stay away from my fuckin' percocets and do you have any fuckin' percocets.
  10. Bitch please, do you see me getting my svelte figure by eating lettuce?
  11. Johnny Bravo, master of flipping me the bird every time he posts.
  12. I know what you mean, but for most people coffee is about snapping you out of the bleary-eyed stupor before work. When I drink then, it all tastes the same. If, though, I'm well awake and enjoying a cuppa, then I see your point. It's like whiskey; sip it for the purpose of savoring a wonderful whiskey, and you'll have different tasting experience than if you're slamming shots with the purpose of getting drunk.
  13. I'm all for standing up for yourself, but I hope you're simultaneously teaching them humility and open-mindedness, or your children may be headed for something terrible, like a career in politics.
  14. Its more important to focus on getting good coffee than a machine or press. All methods of making coffee do the same basic thing; add hot water + coffee + time and pressure and you have a cup of deliciousness. In the price range you're looking, it's like comparing all the worlds small NA 4-cylinder motors. You're going to have some variance on HP, features, etc, but at the end of the day they all make your car go and smelly exhaust. Just get the one that works for your budget and has the features you think you'll actually use (programmable, timer, etc). They're all good. EDIT: and for the press folks, I've done the french press for 4 years, I've done the Mr. Coffee basic coffee maker, and I've worked in a (non-Charbucks) coffee shop for 3 years. If you think you can tell me in a blind test which is a french press vs basic coffee maker vs store-made, you're either lying or ought to be a professional taste tester. If home coffee makers are the NA 4-cylinders, a French press is a donkey pulling a cart and the store machine is a twin turbo V8.
  15. Well the squatters aren't named Cooder and Spud so it may or may not work...
  16. This thread proves we need mandatory sterilization.
  17. Trololo EDIT: complaining on the internet and what do you expect
  18. The only thing that blows my mind is this adverse possession thing...really, the house has to be abandoned for 18 YEARS???? What fucking genius was that law written for? "Hey honey, you know what I just got in the mail? Our 215th monthly overdue mortgage notice for that little place in Colorado! You know, we only have one more month before it can be claimed by adverse possession, we should really head back out there to make sure no one has messed with it."
  19. So let me get this straight...you: 1) Freaked out on the company rep instead of acting calmly and exercising your legal options down the road. 2) Attempted what I can only assume is some form of credit card fraud by paying for something and then trying to report your card as stolen or issuing a stop payment so you didn't have to pay for it. 3) You then are discovered to be in possession of a concealed loaded firearm (keep in mind this is on someone else's property and there may be some legal reason for reasonable suspicion) for which you have no permit. 4) You post all the facts about this on the internet, and then claim your lawyer's going to have a field day. LMFAO brb forwarding this entire thread to CPD.
  20. HEY! We were slightly less negligent and delinquent than those negligent delinquent fuckers! Give us our not paid for house back!
  21. Posting to stay subscribed to this clusterfuck. http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/op-will-surely-deliver-lets-just-wait.jpg
  22. ***with their music. Good reference though.
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