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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. To those who've had bad experiences at Mitchell's please specify which one. Management at the two locations is very different and I imagine one would be better than the other. The Mitchell's at Polaris has a very nice outdoor patio. Yes, you're next to the parkway so its not quiet or beautiful or anything, but in the summer its a really nice place to have a meal because NO ONE ever elects to sit outside.
  2. between 1992-1996 they had an I6 530i AND a V8 530i. both are 3.0L, but the v8 produced 215hp and the I6 only made 180hp
  3. I'm not a steak expert by any means but I've eaten at almost all of these places so I'll weigh in: Ruth's Chris: Very good steaks, horrible atmosphere. They cram you in and its so dark you can't see the cans on the date of the guy 2 feet away from you. Mitchell's: Owned by Ruth's Chris now, so their steaks are just as good an the atmosphere is way better. Very good wine list, and all the chefs at the Polaris location are excellent. Cannot comment on the Downtown location but I assume its more of the same. Hyde Park: Awesome. Just go there if you don't want to weigh your options Ocean Club: Who goes to a seafood restaurant for steak? I will say that last time I went there I ordered the Ahi tuna raw/rare and it was INCREDIBLE. Best raw tuna I've had since I was in the Virgin Islands. The Top: Can't comment J Gilbert's: I've been a lucky fuck in that I've lived in cities that 2 of their 4 locations call home (Glastonbury, CT is the other), and both are incredible. I grew up with this as my favorite steakhouse, and it continues to be. It's been way too long since I've visited the Worthington location.
  4. if we could agree on a time, my roommate has a 1st gen G17 and I have a springfield XDM-9. you could put some rounds through both and decide after that.
  5. to quote my roommate "shit dude if I had $900 layin' around that would be MINE" GLWS
  6. if you're never gonna use it, S&W sigmas are very inexpensive because of their Magnus ver Magnusson trigger pull. I've got a Springfield XDM-9 and couldn't be happier. The XD-9 is less expensive and good quality. Or just get a Glock 17.
  7. i like the datsun 510 idea. sleeper wagons > *
  8. Some sort of LS1-infused Ariel Atom-like horror show. just a frame and an LS1.
  9. dude, its a junkyard, not a retail business. when they get a call like that, its not like the VW parts dept where the guy says "let me look in the system for that price". have a pair of balls, go down the the yard, and tell them you've got $x for the part.
  10. this show is exactly what it sets out to be: entertaining as hell
  11. I like the policy; if you don't want to be shot, don't enter someone else's home without their permission. I was robbed at gunpoint in my own apt; I wish I'd had my handgun at that point so I could put to rest any fears I currently have of that worthless piece of fuck coming back. Oh, and I would've gladly shot him in the back of the head on his way out. Leave one side of the story and no one to come back to threaten your safety.
  12. get into the valet business (kidding). nowhere else does someone make $3 hourly (not including tips) to drive maseratis, lambos, ferraris, etc. and I can say from past experience that the Gallardo is the easiest exotic to drive. below 30mph it handles and shifts like an Audi (because it is). even the clutch is super easy.
  13. Just thought I'd post this as a shining example of trolltastic backpedaling. "OMG SOMETHING THAT HAPPEN TO ME IS PROOF POSITIVE OF THE WAY THE WORLD IS" *wrong* "Lol guise, I was just stating my opinion in a coherent fashion, YOU'RE the ones who got all worked up and decided to make an issue of it on the internet, not me"
  14. This lady crossed a few lines. First of all, this is not tough love. Handcuffing someone against their will is ILLEGAL, it doesn't matter if its your kid. Lets look at this from a couple angles; first, momma has no idea how to be a parent. Even if what this kid is lacking is a healthy dose of Jesus, the solution isn't to cuff him in a room with nothing but a Bible. That'll just make him hate the Bible, as anyone who has ever taken the time to talk to a teenager will know. Further more, those who still think this is just tough love, consider this; the kid was still handcuffed when momma left the house. What if there was a fire? Would his death have just been an unfortunate coincidence of being punished at the same time as a fire broke out at the same time that momma wasn't home? No, it would've probably been a manslaughter charge for momma. The bottom line is that momma is just lazy. She clearly didn't take the time to LISTEN to her kid, and instead figured that Jesus would do the work for her if she kept him chained up long enough (thats how prison works, right?). EDIT: She should've just sent him to one of those "scared straight" programs like this one: http://www.onionsportsnetwork.com/articles/kids-in-scaredstraight-program-visit-horrifying-cl,19156/
  15. http://www.bmv.ohio.gov/beautiful_ohio.stm Not a mandatory replacement. and there is only one plate you should get, OP http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/untitled.jpg
  16. I really REALLY don't like pictures of those wheels but the more I picture them on a genesis coupe the more I think they'll look decent. in for pics
  17. for instance, cut diamonds increase value whereas diamond chips increase flashiness, contempt from diamond aficionados
  18. great deal for someone who wants to appear to have a nice watch in the company of people who have no idea what a nice watch is.
  19. I always heard rumblings that they used to sell customer info to the criminal trash around that area so they'd know what cars had high-end stereo equipment. That, and their prices are fucking ASTRONOMICAL for something that can be done with equal reliability elsewhere.
  20. My roommate from Idaho had one of these with ~400k on it. bump for an excellent winter car
  21. I have one (its actually my roommates but he probably wouldn't care) on my 3rd floor place at the Watermark. Hit me up after this weekend and we can possibly make arrangements (I'll be in Athens)
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