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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. interested in trade? i have cash + mossbergy 500A anniv. edition (i think, i'm trying to verify currently)
  2. most people don't fear death, they just fear dying.
  3. growing up in CT i lived across the street from a skydive instructor. one day he didn't come home from work.
  4. I hope she's not seriously considering skipping a White House visit because of partisanship. That might be the single least American thing I've ever heard. That'd be like skipping the Vietnam Memorial because you don't believe it was a justified conflict.
  5. make sure you take your favorite firearm to the front gate of the White House and wave it around while shouting your favorite patriotic slogans in Arabic. I believe "Allahu akbar" means "long live America!", so make sure to shout that loud and proud.
  6. Awesome. I'm off work at 5 today you have a PM with my number, contact me to setup a time/place.
  7. Is your $16k budget including predicted costs of maintenance? If you're looking at a premium brand like Cadillac, you're looking at something with higher miles which = maintenance costs early on. With that budget, I'd look at something on a used or Certified Pre-Owned lot that has few miles and is only 2-3 years old, since as a recent graduate you don't have as much of a cushion should something catastrophic go wrong. Think about this car purchase not as something that you want now, but something that you want in 3 years. If you buy an early model CTS now, its going to have lots of miles. In several years, what will that car be to you? Will it still have the appeal it has today? Will it be worth $16k? Will it even be worth $10k, since it'll certainly be over 100k miles? How much money are you going to have to sink into it after the initial purchase? How much do parts cost on a 6-7 year old premium car as opposed to a 2-3 year old midrange car? For instance, we've got an '09 Ford Taurus Limited in our Certified Pre-Owned inventory. I will not post price to try to keep this from being a pimping thread, but mods edit this if necessary; I just wanna give some perspective on other cars that are out there. This car is a short way out of your price range but has a lot of very nice features that compare to a $16k CTS, but in 3 years this car will still be under Certified warranty (unless you drive 20k+ miles/yr). That means you're going to have to spend minimal money beyond the initial purchase. I'm not at all suggesting that this is the car for you, but the point is that there ARE very nice vehicles out there within your price range that will give you a whole lot more reliability and will GUARANTEE that you spend less in the long run.
  8. Video games: Forza 3, Fable III, Fallout: New Vegas (played thru a couple different ways to see how the game is each way), NHL11 (ongoing rivalry with my roommate. I'm 14-13 against him). Soccer 2 or 3 nights a week. I think rec league sports are one of the best things you can do for yourself.
  9. this is pretty much what you're gonna need; to spread the word that you're brewing beer and anyone that donates bottles gets to try it
  10. the hardest part (besides putting in the work and being super precise) is actually finding enough empty beer bottles that aren't screw-top, and cleaning them. when i was in boston, my buddy's wife and my gf went out of town together and he'd brewed 5 gallons of mead in anticipation. it was definitely worth the time/effort. if you're anything like me, you'll be obsessed with the science of it and need to write down every little thing you did and try to keep everything in chemically controlled environments.
  12. if OP is going to sell all to 2nd poster, I'm still interested in the DVDs I stated. LMK if you're willing to part with those
  13. Wait for a good sale or head to an outlet store and get a deal on 2 or 3 nice suits, then sit on the rest. Knowing that I've got money in the bank and some fine threads on, nothing makes me feel wealthier.
  14. If he doesn't take everything I would like the following: Young Frankenstein Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Independence Day White Men Can't Jump Super Size Me Swingers I will be in the westerville area tonight a little after 8 and have cash ready to purchase. PMing you my info.
  15. its really not that original looking in any way. sticking an LS9 and loads of CF on your handmade supercar is now the standard. i'd rather see an American company come up with some sort of Ariel Atom beater, a go-kart like car with way too much power.
  16. GO PATS. I think the reason Rex Ryan talks so much shit is because when the Pats beat them, he has to put his foot in his mouth.
  17. in that case, someone buy this car its a STEAL.
  18. fyi our dealership just sold one of these in 9.5/10 condition for roughly $12,000, 06 model year but similar miles. and the gross on it wasn't huge.
  19. Fusion Sport is a very fun car, but only acceptable in AWD form. That 3.5L makes way too much power for FWD only. 1) Buy oldskool VW Rabbit Diesel 2) get 60mpg 3) profit? As the world is right now, its not worth it to pay more or buy a new car for the sake of saving gas money. Lincoln MKZ has taken the unprecedented step of offering the Hybrid version at the same MSRP as the gas version. However, 41mpg City is only worth it if you know how to drive a hybrid and only drive around the city, otherwise its just an underpowered, overweight MKZ. I worked out some numbers for a customer who was comparing a Milan V6 to a Civic Hybrid (we matched the price at $21,000 after trade-in). She would've saved about $200 a year driving 10k miles by getting the Civic hybrid with its crappy 1.3L motor. She ended up buying the Milan because almost all her driving is highway miles, where the hybrid is pointless.
  20. yeah, and remember that psycho dad who said he was gonna send the cyber police in that famous youtube rant? thats cuz the people with "quite the heart" were sending death threats to his 12 year old daughter's house. there's things that Anon/4chan does that i like, and things that i don't like. i'd love for them to rally against WBC but WBC need to provoke it. maybe someone should send them a link showing that 4chan supports gay porn or something
  21. probably because 4chan is full of people who would gladly picket a 9 year old's funeral for the lulz
  22. so, for instance, if you're a 19 year old kid who's pissed at your parents and you pay your own insurance but drive their G-Wagen, you think it'd be right for the insurance company to cut you a check for $80k if you "accidentally" went into a ditch on 270?
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