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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. credit card without a doubt. don't think of it in terms of what your monthly payment is (short term costs) think about the long term. You know exactly how long that car will take to be paid off, however the credit card can literally just drain your finances for ever and ever and ever.
  2. fixed. but i think it was actually Oprah
  3. By that do you mean their 5 starters from last night, none of whom scored in the double digits? Or are you talking about Daniel Gibson, and only Daniel Gibson?
  4. sounds like Eric Cartman. one of those people who never learned personal responsibility and is very adept at ignoring their own faults and blaming the world for their problems. there's nothing you can do to help these people. they're the ones who touch a hot stove and instead of learning not to touch it again, they start screaming about how if someone else hadn't been cooking this never would've happened in the first place.
  5. So the Heitz Cellars was left out of the pricing eh? Good choice, dont sell that one.
  6. The separation of government actions and respect for the will of the people. Impose strict term limits and completely eliminate any official perks of office besides salary and those running for office will begin to think much more about the welfare of their constituents instead of their ability to be re-elected. edit: I think this will also help reduce the absurd radicalization of politics where the vocal insane minority dominates the disillusioned moderate majority. Also, the school system in this country is laughably bad. Teachers should have higher expectations for qualifications and also receive a wage that reflects that.
  7. no problem man. rocky has instantly embraced his new home and family. he literally follows us everywhere, never wants to be alone. definitely the friendliest cat i've ever had.
  8. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/jun/10/2/police-drunk-mom-poops-her-pants-during-traffic-st-ar-104389/
  9. the HD RS is the rare Harley Davidson Ryan Seacrest edition which, instead of a tradition seat, is equipped with a leather-wrapped buttplug. Brings new meaning to the term "hardtail".
  10. i never have that problem because i use egyptian cotton towels to wipe my princely butthole
  11. i'll keep saying what i've been saying all along; don't compare TGUS to Top Gear, compare it to the first season of the 2002 edition of Top Gear. You'll find that the chemistry is about the same; it takes several years and seasons to develop the chemistry May, Hamster, and Jezza have. You can tell they don't have the comfort level to insult each other on a personal level yet, but that'll come
  12. this only proves how many idiots there are that will pick apart a racing game for something that has absolutely nothing to do with racing; sitting still.
  13. i met harley when i took rocky home today. very sweet cat. someone needs to take him in.
  14. i may be able to take rocky, pending: age? up to date with shots? do you have a cat carrier or anything to go with him? i could potentially get him tm.
  15. The problem with Obama is that the vocal minority wants him to fail, and are very good at pointing out where government could do better while simultaneously stumping for minimally invasive government. Just about everything in this country could be improved, especially in comparison with the progress the rest of the world has made, but we as Americans have grown so accustomed to "deserving" everything that we no longer consider personal sacrifice and responsibility a duty to our country. We consider it a burden imposed by an increasingly tyrannical government. In an ideal world, we'd all have our personal freedoms and would never have to give anything up for it, but living in the U.S. as we do, we do have a responsibility to maintain the welfare not just of our locale or state, but our entire country. The problem comes when our country asks us to do so in the form of taxes, which many consider to be ridiculous because we have a very short-term memory. The expectation in this country has become that we participate in democratic elections to elect people to take care of our problems for us, instead of electing people who will provide the framework for us to solve our own problems. Why is it the governments' fault that we have 10% unemployment? Is it not the fault of companies who have decided that profitability and duty to shareholders is more important than duty to those who consume their services? When GM and Chrysler faced tough times, they laid off thousands and cut dealerships left and right while simultaneously begging the government for a loan funded by the same people whose tax dollars were cut off when they were fired from the automakers. When Honda and Toyota faced those same tough times, they closed down production but reassigned workers to tasks that would make the company stronger and better able to serve consumers once their financial woes were solved. This I think is a perfect illustration of the corporate culture of personal responsibility that comes from a Japanese culture that demands it. American culture says that personal responsibility is a right, but it may be waived in favor of doing whatever the fuck you want.
  16. UPDATE: close this thread. We took it in on trade and since I'm not a sponsor I'm not making a for sale thread. Any interested parties should PM me, as I'd prefer to sell this to CR member than wholesale it.
  17. argument topic: assignments in which students choose topic are inherently unfair in a class which is focused on composition points: -professor may not only grade composition of argument, but also the argument itself -too much differentiation in quality of topics of students to accurately assess who can compose well -too much time and effort wasted on thinking of topic instead of focusing on well-written arguments (case study: you) counterpoint: -allows students greater ability to compose a topic that fits their strengths instead of showing favoritism towards students who may excell in a professor-assigned topic
  18. I did a thread about this, and for my purposes I've decided to save up for a Remington 1911R1. Check them out.
  19. i would be too ashamed to wear a shirt that says "sarah palin is intelligent" let alone one letting everyone know i'd vote for her
  20. No answer at this time, I'll talk to him tomorrow and have an answer. He apparently restores cars for a living so I'd guess he probably did it if he's taken enough care to keep the car at 72k. I'm posting this here to try and help a coworker make a deal happen; we won't be able to give him what he wants for a trade-in value, but we'll probably make a deal if I can help him sell his car and my coworker will spiff me $100. This is why the info on the car is sparse and hard to come by. I'll try to get a VIN from him and post an autocheck.
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