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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. surprised no one's suggested Judge Judy yet. either way, just prosecute it as civil. even if it is indeed a criminal matter in one light, it won't be hard to paint you as vindictive and petty from another light.
  2. fucking gross. almost as gross as this: http://www.jonco48.com/blog/McPizza.jpg
  3. this is true, but at least nothing changes with the weather
  4. http://www.scuffletown.org/wp-content/image/not_the_father.gif
  5. 12+ inches of snow here in the last 24 hours, still snowing and I haven't seen a single accident. For all the faults of living here, people know how to drive in inclement weather.
  6. kinda like calling Ayers a terrorist is a slight overstatement....
  7. Barack Obama: Palling around with terrorists:: Sarah Palin: Palling around with drug lords
  8. Thats too good a fate for a demon like her. She took advantage of so many good people's faith and support after murdering her own child.
  9. come to boston http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/weather.jpg supposed to get 6-12" today, maybe more tomorrow.
  10. wrong, Amazonian manatees don't venture into salt water but others, such as the ones in Florida, do.
  11. While GWB has proved to us all that one man can take a country from an extremely high point to the lowest of lows, I think the uphill climb back to the top is a bit more difficult; more so than one man. We need institutional change, and it starts at the bottom, not at the top.
  12. yep, and all for naught until 1941 rolled around and we got into a war. except this time we're in the war first, then came the economic collapse
  13. Oh I agree, but just look at what they consider "infrastructure"
  14. Seriously, every day I read a story about how the Dow Jones is fluctuating wildly, gaining or losing 300 points based on some random event that occurred on any given day. The entire reason our economy is in the shitter is because of speculation based investment. When are these fucking idiots going to learn? However, that's not the thing that made me scratch my head. This was: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/18/mayors.pork/index.html?iref=mpstoryview I read the article a while back about the Mayors' conference that suggested 11k "ready-to-go" infrastructure projects that would stimulate jobs, etc, but this is fucking retarded. It's clear to me that the people we're electing into office just don't fucking know how the system or economy work. We elect into office one of two presidential candidates who vow to fight porkbarrel spending, and yet we're still getting this shit! Admittedly some of these things would indeed create jobs, but it's clear that these stupid mayors just came together and said "okay put everything in this proposal that you think will create jobs" instead of "how do we increase the public welfare of our town/country?" /rant. Discuss your outrage. edit: example, the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence wants $4.8m to build a polar bear exhibit. Sure, it'll create jobs in the short term, and probably boost zoo revenue, but what the fuck good does that do the public. Like if the zoo went under due to harsh economy zoologists all over will be feeling the hurt, local communities will start looting zoos and stealing tigers. Fucking retards.
  15. I didn't know he was gonna be telling bear jokes. When I saw him live I thought I would never stop laughing. He's beyond hilarious. My ex girlfriend and I sponsored a manatee because of his schtick about them. edit: for reference
  16. its better than some of the retarded shit people have posted here. also, i have this http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/31GKET5RNDL.jpg
  17. http://www.made-in-china.com/image/4f0j00uvwaWGVqgEbCM/Ice-Scraper-PM6008-.jpg i feel bad for anyone dumb enough to not have one of these
  18. does steve jobs pay you to be an iDick to everyone or is the smug self-satisfaction payment enough?
  19. because girls are the ones that play the whole game of "i saw him first so you can't try" competition is competition. i'd rather see competition from a friend than from some dude i don't know. if he does end up getting the girl, then i can punch him in the face. he'll know why and i'll feel better and we'll move on with our lives. if he doesn't end up with her and i do, then I get to make fun of him for even trying. if she just says fuck it to both of us, we can drink beers and call her a slut together.
  20. 70 spoke, 100 spoke, its all gangsta as hell to me.
  21. okay so maybe they dont ALWAYS look bad... http://www.daytonwirewheels.com/images/navigation/streetrodswheels_g.jpg but unless you have a car that awesome you have no right.
  22. I remember seeing that last year. Wonderful vid
  23. Time Warner/Comcast in Boston ain't so bad http://www.speedtest.net/result/374733923.png
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