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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. oh thats my bad. i'll take you off my buddylist as soon as you buy a kalashnikov and HELP ME KILL AMERICANS. AND THEN WE CAN BUTTFUCK A CAMEL!!!
  2. well its good and bad. bad because I have awful memories of family fighting every christmas. but good because now that i'm older i realize no one was fighting, everyone just got really drunk. being part of the drunkenness helps.
  3. You mean like how we were up 14-10 on Troy and then scored 14 points in the 4th quarter on a 38 yard pass play and then a 16 yard pass play, the latter of which came with 4 minutes left in the game? There's no such thing as class in college FB. Every coach from every team knows, you score every chance you get because if you don't the BCS will punish you.
  4. I think TTU vs Ole Miss will be pretty good. Everyone forgets that Ole Miss beat the almighty Florida this year.
  5. I personally think that if on a kickoff, a kicker is close enough and accurate enough (whether by pure strength or idiotic defensive penalties) to kick it between the uprights it should be 1 point to the kicking team and ball placed on the 20yd line like a touchback. It just bothers me that there's no 1-point play in football. But I digress. LOL YOU KNOW WHO'S NOT IN A BOWL THIS YEAR MICHIGAN BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOW FUCKING FUNNY IS THAT SHIT?
  6. I may be a bandwagon fan (I only moved to OH in 2001 but pretty instantly absorbed Buckeye fever), but I've never liked Tressel. So I can't say I was ever here in the Cooper era but opinion is and has always been that he's a genius 6 days a week when it comes to recruiting and planning, but as a playcaller and game manager he's abominable.
  7. USC beat Washington 56-0 this year. They beat Washington State 69-0. Oh and by the way, calling out the SEC padding their schedule with Troy is pretty funny because if you paid attention to OSU you'd have seen that they played Troy this year. And won 28-10. Thanks for proving my point better than I could have by myself.
  8. We also need to have some accountability for losing big games. Beating Michigan senseless every year is losing its meaning when we shit the bed in bowl games. anyone else think tressel needs to go?
  9. Regardless of the de facto title game, OSU often finishes their schedule early and doesn't step on the field in December, putting us at a disadvantage come bowl season. Also, we play way way WAY too many weak opponents. And don't win big enough. USC doesn't just win lots of games, they give the BCS the kind of scores it expects to see out of a top 10 team going against bottom feeders. Ohio State cruises along winning 27-10 against nobodies and then wonders why we get no respect.
  10. Hint: We never schedule real opponents, and have no conference title game.
  11. I have yet to dole out any negative rep. I will post rep however you want if you post boobs in this thread and a request for rep.
  12. Good thing is Texas sat out the Big 12 title game so they've only had one week more of game experience this season. Shouldn't be as big a handicap as it's been to us the past couple years.
  13. Gonna be a good Fiesta Bowl. Sadly, we're going to be on the ass end of an assbeating. Discuss.
  14. Wow sounds exactly like how I was born, except I came out via Caesarian. Congratulations and I hope your son ends up as OK as I did afterwards.
  15. Depends. If I had the Celica or Exploder at the time of registration, I'm sure I would've failed miserably. If I had the Apache at the time, I think I would've passed muster.
  16. Al Queda is too smart and well-run. PETA is full of laughable fucktards. At least Greenpeace goes out and rams whaling vessels to get shit done. PETA is just fucking stupid.
  17. there's two considerations: 1) Open bar? Yes = consider it, no = fuck it. 2) Fuck it. edit: I hate my HS experience. If I want to reconnect I'll do it on my own damn time. For my 10 yr reunion I'll probably just host a party at the same time in a bar where my group of friends can go to get shitfaced without dealing with people we don't like.
  18. This is how I'm gonna respond to every one of Rick's comments from now on. Thank you:bangbang:
  19. http://students.eng.fiu.edu/~jfunk/images/weird/those-are-my-shoes.jpg
  20. Change means more than personnel. It means getting rid of the old system of putting in place people who will make it easy for the president to do whatever he wants and implementing a new system where the president surrounds himself with people he sees as the top of their profession who will advise him and help him reach decisions that are best for the country. It is an important point in presidential history as the two presidents who consolidated power in the office of the President of the United States have turned out to be the two worst presidents in American history (Nixon and Bush)*. While I agree that neither was completely at fault for the collapse of their administration, I think it represents a popular embrace of Constitutional values that require the separation of executive and legislative powers. The disapproval with Bush (at least outside of the idiot hippie "no war" community) is focused mainly around his manipulation of Congress, such as threats to veto anything involving attempts to influence policy in Iraq (deadline for troop withdrawals). That is a power EXPLICITLY given to Congress, and while it is their own stupid fault for not impeaching Bush or saying "to hell with the War Powers Resolution, we're demanding that you bring our troops back". *edit: Okay, Hoover was worse. And IMO so was Wilson. But whatever, ask anyone on the street these days and chances are they'll say Nixon or Bush.
  21. This thread would have been a whole lot funnier if it had said "I accidentally gave myself a reacharound yesterday"
  22. Clearly the defensive players are often loved-by-conservatives Jim Jones and Robert Gates. Obama's at least smart enough to reach across the aisle for security help.
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