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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. The same people saying this now are the people who said exactly what Johnny Bravo did except with "Bush won, get the fuck over it" for the past 8 years.
  2. 1) Someone reopen the politcal forum so this shit has somewhere to fester 2) If they block Clinton getting the bid, they may end up with someone far worse. I hate her but I think she'd be a great Secretary of State. 3) If we followed every word of the Constitution verbatim, we wouldn't have a professional army, all military service would be localized and entirely in the militia format, and we'd be a third world country.
  3. I didn't say it was just money. A moderately attractive guy who your friends and family approve of and who you think is a decent guy says his friend just dropped out of a vacation and how would you like an expenses-paid trip to Necker Island, Richard Branson's private island. There's no expectation of sexual favors in return or anything. Just, you know, fucking Necker Island (this is from the pagoda on the Northwest side of the island): http://i.usatoday.net/travel/_photos/2007/06/14/Necker-Island_resorts-toppe.jpg What do you do?
  4. o right my bad http://www.dnaco.net/~vogelke/pictures/bad-motivational-posters/image014.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/MichiganSniper/Demotivational%20Stash/demotivational-posters-feminism.jpg http://www.dnaco.net/~vogelke/pictures/bad-motivational-posters/image005.jpg
  5. We all found that was a good idea after a cougar-driving six-figure earner decided to be a douchebag.
  6. http://www.starzaki.eu.org/~littlemaggot/blog/Largehardoncollider_118D6/1214477765427.png def NWS!
  7. not going to lie. I'm actually scared of that. let me return the favor http://www.acecomputers-tn.com/awful/iherdsomething2.jpg
  8. QFT. Anyone who says its immature and only for kids obviously has no idea how to have fun.
  9. this thread is showing signs of cohesiveness and continuity. i demand you stop conversing and post stupid images. old but good http://plig.org/things/pictures/tn/bmw_ultimate_attraction.med.jpg
  10. http://www.disarm.se/data/bildunttext_nsfw/bear_cavalry.jpg
  11. two options: 1) cover my mouth with my hand, try to minimize projectiles. 2) get right in the face of the person closest to me, destroy their personal space with half chewed food
  12. excellent derailment. couldn't have been happier with the way this went. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/mauriceclarett.jpg
  13. inb4 "I wish being you was a bannable offense"
  14. Why do you do it? Is it because you think the CR mods are big meanies who are out to get you and only you and your posse? Or is it because you feel entitled to have CR just the way you like it and anyone standing in the way of that is an ignorant knucklehead. I think the rules here are great. Especially when people use incorrect racial epithets towards me because they think I'm hispanic. Also, I think bitching about the rules should be a bannable offense. The first amendment stops the moment you click "Accept Terms of Use" or whatever we have here.
  15. goddamnit these fuckers will do anything to sell a game at $50 a copy before holiday season. how good is rockstar about patching? i've only ever had experience with EA Shits.
  16. Thank you for the sense. MA just passed issue 2 which has made it a ticketable offense ($100) to carry an ounce or less of pot. you lose your pot, you pay the $100 ticket, and you go on your way. 2nd time offenders deal with criminal charges though I believe.
  17. even better http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0201883
  18. you probably had the same problem GWB had: http://www.evilgeorge.net/Images/Binoculars.jpg
  19. lol ancient technology for ten bucks you could get this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815124061
  20. lol i love subliminal "grow your own pot" ads
  21. Anyone else see this last night? It was a clear night in Boston but my parents informed me it was cloudy in parts of Cbus so they didn't get to see it. If you looked at the moon last night you undoubtedly saw two very very bright cosmic objects next to it, those would be the aforementioned planets. I'm having a hard time finding pictures to post, I'll get back to it if this thread gets any responses. edit: according to some articles, it should still be somewhat visible tonight. keep an eye out, it was pretty cool.
  22. http://bum.net/pics/xzibit.jpg posting the original for posterity
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