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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. as much as guns are great protection, the OP's examples are a better deterrent. as has been said before, break-ins are typically planned and not totally random. thus, if someone staking out your place sees plenty of security and locks, etc. they'll be more inclined to move on over to your neighbor's place.
  2. Not drifting either. CNN vid from Portland, OR. Benny Hill music can make anything hilarious. http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-164378
  3. Thats why you went out and bought a blue Subaru, right?:bangbang:
  4. Preferrably something of the Nomex-Kevlar combination?
  5. Mr. Cool Ice would've been better: http://www.publikhair.com/new_blog/uploaded_images/mr_cool_ice-753295.jpg
  6. Yeah but slowing them down could buy you a lot of time. Plus without legs they would be impossible to stop me in this: http://www.jackit.com/images/extreme_paul2.JPG mega zombie plow > headshots
  7. Lots of grenades and mines. Zombies are dumb and can't learn like other animals, thus when they see one of their zombie buddies get his legs blown off by a shiny little metal thing, it won't occur to him that the next shiny little metal thing might do the same thing to him.
  8. This shit right here is what I think: Jay-Z is awesome. That said, for the love of god he need to stop fucking rapping and stick to producing.
  9. $14k for a car from the south (read: no salt) and 86k on the clock and you wouldn't do that cuz its auto? You'd be giving up a hell of a deal.
  10. I may have a pair if the prev set doesn't work out. They may need laces though.
  11. No way Ford is gonna be in it if they want federal dollars next year
  12. I was less focused on the car, more so on the enginge. For some reason I really like the wheels on the squashmobile though.
  13. google images search: http://www.supra.co.nz/personal/Ewansmk2a.jpg yeah, I say you do it. edit: also this thing is fucking sexy http://memimage.cardomain.com/ride_images/1/1854/2381/4633690100_large.jpg as far as racing potential i have no idea
  14. $4.34 and you pay to register the thing. See, posting an asking price avoids idiot posts like this.
  15. if they don't have fish tacos (literally, not the other meaning) then it ain't worth shit as a Mexican place. last time I went to Mi Mexico it was awesome, but that was like 4 years ago
  16. I sorta disagree. I think Mike Tirico is an incredible guy for the job, but I agree that Kornheiser is a fuckstick. He's almost as bad as Madden.
  17. I feel like that would take several days of preparation and attempts to actually create if it were fake, versus just a few seconds of it being real.
  18. l36tols1, aka Jeff works for them too and has helped me out. edit: and Johnny Bravo, how close are you to Lewis Center cuz I think thats where he works
  19. especially with a college degree. they've seriously dropped standards.
  20. Touchscreen phones are overrated. Just one more thing to go wrong in such a high priced device.
  21. I've got a Kenwood KDC-MP638U, cord that hooks up to my iPod which I made a little bracket for on the back of my glove box, so even if someone opens the glove box to find it they won't see it. The USB cord would rip out if someone tried to snatch the HU. All that Fusion POS would do is make it easier for someone to take your $200 iPod when they steal your HU. edit: in no way am I suggesting you get what I have. It freezes a lot and sometime just goes blank for a second, not necessarily interrupting music.
  22. hey look, a noob faggot with a worthless opinion and no readily available backup for his claim nice posting fuckstick. @Casper what blackberry do you have?
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