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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Doubt they'd take me. I'm not much for running considering I have completely flat feet and get disastrous shin splints. Also chronic shoulder problems from my hardcore tennis days.
  2. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0c/Cube_The_Movie_Poster_Art.jpg
  3. Yeah, rent here in boston is about 250% more than campus living in Columbus, with a far worse standard of living. Its definitely a consideration, and I will always consider Columbus when I'm looking for jobs, and especially when I decide I want to start a family.
  4. In no way do I mean this to be condescending, but how much time have you spent in nyc? Every time I go, I feel like I'm leaving too early. There is so much to do there and the city never sleeps. I totally appreciate the calm, simple style of living that encompasses a majority of the U.S. but while I'm young and my blood pressure is low enough, I want to live in the city as long as I can. Also, my girlfriend is from the Bronx so there's that.
  5. first I'd change the rules to "One Shotgun, One Chainsaw" http://www.amandastevens.com/uploaded_images/250px-Bruce_Campbell_Army_of_Darkness-710635.jpg but if you're making me choose... AK47 Glock 17
  6. I'll address your paragraphs separately. 1) That sounds awesome. I did a marketing internship with BDI, the company that runs Bravo/Brio/Bon Vie a couple years ago where I did local marketing around the midwest. Every day was different on the road and I loved every moment of it. I do my best work when challenged, so being out in the field dealing with people is what I prefer. BA in International Relations, minor concentration in History I definitely want to do something like that. This upcoming semester is going to be about living comfortably and building up some savings, but getting out of the country by myself is something I've always wanted to do. I've been to Europe a lot so I was thinking about S America, maybe Brazil or Chile. I also want to go back to Venezuela before the U.S. declares an embargo like Cuba's.
  7. I'm about to become an alumnus of BU. I'm not all that motivated to jump headlong into the "Office Space" world, so I'm hanging around the city for a while, getting a job that pays enough to take care of rent and other expenses so I can enjoy the last semester with my friends but without classes. After that I plan on looking for a job in New York City. What'd you fools do after college or after high school if that's where you ended your schooling? If you're not there yet, what do you plan on doing? Inb4"Kill yourself"
  8. if was dumb enough to put one right back on after going through what he's going through then he deserves pound me in the ass federal prison
  9. just like the title says. admittedly some aren't great but who cares, some of them are. some of my favs: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3199/2975876781_dfd7ee241e.jpg?v=0 lol she looks confused http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3146/2951999033_7f5e56e18f.jpg?v=0 ok she's terrifying http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3167/2967651465_d4b114f3b8.jpg?v=0 Meadow Soprano *drool* http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3245/2952818010_4de7f68dab.jpg?v=0 ... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/2952839034_94e56ac6f7.jpg?v=0 gun's a little big? http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3184/3006374401_8b397345ca.jpg?v=0 okay, not a gun. but its a wolverine claw. and its kari byron. with a fucking wolverine claw
  10. SO if they go under obviously the first things to go are warranties/service.
  11. my roommate got it, its pretty cool. the question is, will you ever use it?
  12. I can get hammered and enjoy the aura of NASCAR. If I got drunk and watched drifting I'd just puke.
  13. Newegg = financially stable, able to offer RMA/warranty circuit city = about to go under
  14. I don't know why we even bother to vote anymore, all our decisions are made by one motherfucker. Time for a revolution!
  15. cliffs: when your leg snaps below the knee, the fight is over
  16. I would not buy a TV from a store right now unless they're having a crazy deal. Check out newegg.com before you buy anything or you might get ripped off. A lot of their TVs are offering free shipping, some even free in home installs. We're all suggesting TVs but we don't really know what you'll be using them for, so help us out? Are you going to be watching lots of sports? Gonna be playing lots of video games? Lots of DVDs or Blu-Rays? Lots of HD Cable/Satellite? Though LCD has caught up to Plasma in many ways, if you're looking for a 50" a plasma may be your best option. They do use more energy and tend to have a shorter life span, but if you're planning on stepping up soon a plasma may be for you. They're better at sports and with contrast/clearer blacks, though like I said many high quality LCDs have caught up. Keep this in mind when thinking about dishing out a grand for your TV EDIT: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2102640385+1389727627&Configurator=&Subcategory=385&description=&Ntk=&SpeTabStoreType=&srchInDesc= 50" LG Plasma 720p for $900, Free shipping. I don't know about Samsung, but I can tell you that both newegg's and LG's customer service departments are unrivaled in my experience. LG owns Zenith and when our TV had the Y+Z boards + power supply go out, they fixed it for FREE after we'd bought it through a recertifier.
  17. if its on the internet it must be true:gtfo: I'm not gonna get into a posting war where we both post a myriad sources that reinforce our points.
  18. Yeah, given what you're looking for I'd say go for DLP. Its a great solution for people who want to get into HD but aren't looking for the top design or to break the bank. My friends down the street have a 50" LG DLP and the differences between their picture and ours on our 50" Zenith plasma are almost negligible. They have a ps3 hooked up to it and it looks damn good with all their games and blu rays edit: 1300 before tax, free shipping on a 60" Mitsubishi DLP http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889248030
  19. OK so here's what I did: Went to configuration of the bridged local area connection. created an untagged VLAN adjusted properties of that VLAN to meet needs (i.e. found that FUCKING TCP/IP screen, "obtain etc etc etc automatically") profit. thanks guys, I have no idea what I did but its working and that's all I care about. lock this shit up
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