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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. On the one hand, I'm all for protecting citizens' right to their medication. On the other hand, I firmly believe in a company's right to set their own hiring practices and policies. If I'm a air traffic controller, I don't want my employees zonked out on weed, prescription pills, hell you could rationally say that over-the-counter drugs like dramamine/nyquil are sufficient cause to fire an employee because of the affect of those drugs on their ability to do their job effectively. Ultimately I believe in the free market's ability to regulate itself. If some companies want to refuse to consider applicants who are legally prescribed marijuana, they are limiting the pool of potential hires and will thus not be as competitive in the marketplace as a company who includes legal marijuana users in its pool of candidates. That company will be seen as a more desirable place to work and will attract more qualified candidates. When in doubt, let the free market decide. That's the principle America's economy and government were founded on. EDIT: And don't turn this into a "well should companies be able to not hire a gay person because they think it's wrong?" No, that's discrimination. And I'm not sure I believe a company should be allowed to refuse a medical marijuana user on principle, rather they should be able to refuse to hire a marijuana user based on the requirements of the job. A gay man can do any job just as well as a straight man. A medical marijuana user may not be able to execute a task the same as a non-user, depending on their condition and whether it necessitates the use of concentrated THC or concentrated CBD, because high concentrations of CBD do NOT get you high in the way THC does. That's the substance that is particularly helpful in managing seizures, but I'm sure it will have more medical applications once there is some serious clinical research done in it.
  2. Took longer than I expected, I'll admit.
  3. This. Fucking this. Ultimately, getting effective marijuana policy starts here. Allow clinical research, allow it to be studied widely, allow kids to live without seizures for once, and allow our veterans to throw away the cornucopia of pharmaceuticals IF THEY WANT TO in favor of a natural alternative that has proven to be effective in treating both physical and mental ailments. Hell, maybe in a generation or two our law enforcement officers will be safer if we see a drop in violent crimes related to pills and heroin dealers if marijuana offers an alternative to the pharmaceuticals. I know there's still a push to get personal growing on the ballot for November which Kasich is adamantly opposed to, but personally I am very proud to be an Ohioan. It's a great thing to see Republicans and Democrats both putting aside ideological differences to push through a law that IMO ONLY benefits our citizens. It's very easy to philosophically be against drugs because of the way Gen X was raised, but it's much harder to leave those assumptions in the past as new science comes out to support the limited, rational dispensation of a potentially life-altering drug.
  4. Well, sort of. Fire clearly has a special meaning in this universe. Not just because of the title of the series of books, but when you look at all the character interactions with fire, it's a bit different. It inspires a huge range of effects from terror and fear (the Hound) to magic (Melisandre, Varys, Lord of Light), to power (Dany & dragons, Tyrion's use of wildfire). It sort of comes full circle with Stannis, having sacrificed Shireen to win the war, then punishing Mance Rayder for not bowing to him, then eventually what happens to Stannis? We can assume he's beheaded by Brienne...though it's not explicitly on screen, that's not really the type of mistake Brienne makes. I think fire basically allows a person to continue affecting the world in some way whereas beheading basically means "you can stop paying attention to this person now"
  5. I firmly believe that beheading is the only true death in the GoT universe. Everything else is temporary until the head is separated from body. Remember, when Arya is traveling with the Hound and he fights that Beric dude (who then gets healed and takes Arya), Arya asks Beric if a man who's been beheaded can be revived and he doesn't answer. Could be intentionally vague, but I still think that's really the only form of finality in that universe.
  6. Try Revue/Grandview Mercantile (High St in Short North) or The Village Jewel (High St a bit south of Bob's Bar). I think they sell on consignment, that might be a good way to go.
  7. Just pulled the trigger on the 1080 one. Only knocks on it were shitty Smart TV features (I use XB1 for all HBO Now/Amazon Prime/Youtube) and the viewing angle (it's in a relatively narrow room, and I don't give a shit about my guests). Been wanting to get a "real" brand TV for a while. Hopefully it doesn't arrive broken.
  8. A sign indicating an alarm system does 2 things: Tell would-be burglars that there might be easier targets in the area, and tell would-be burglars that this person has enough expensive shit in their house to merit an alarm system. The actual alarm system is as much for peace of mind as anything. If someone wants to break into your house and take your shit, an alarm system isn't going to stop them. Nor will it likely catch them, nor will it likely get your shit back. But that's OK because you pay for insurance...to get all that shit replaced anyways. So really you just need to look at the valuable shit and to what extent it is replaceable. Great grandma's antique jewellery? That should be in a safety deposit box. A bunch of high end electronics? All that shit is easily replaced. Guns? Well, yeah you definitely don't want those getting stolen. Still, a nice safe bolted to the foundation is probably a better deterrent than a sign. So let's look at the cost. Let's use a median of $50/mo. That's $600/year. What's your homeowner's ins. deductible? How many years would it take to equal that deductible? Do you live in a high-crime area, or an area that is prone to burglars/break-ins? Do a lot of people know about the amount of valuables in your home? IMO home security is one of the biggest rackets in the world. I think just buying a sign for one off eBay is the most cost-effective method, since the money people tend to spend on home security could buy an awful lot of deductibles/replacements/safety deposit boxes for whatever is prone to getting stolen.
  9. I've got no idea what the price markets for them are like so this is just me spitballing cars. Forgive me if I suggest something that regularly sells for 5-6 figures: late 60's Datsun roadster, or later models. I immediately thought of this because I grew up near Lime Rock and was a big Paul Newman fan. Along with his LBCs he loved racing Datsuns. FIAT/Alfa Spider/Duetto (though I'd say this presents the same issues as LBC) Sunbeam Alpine (only on the list because I want a Tiger) Studebaker Lark
  10. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE a V8 in a little car. Sunbeam Tiger is on my bucket list of cars to own, and any red-blooded American dreams of a Shelby AC Cobra. Still, I think cars like the AH, Morgans, etc are best when equipped with low-power, smaller/lighter 4 cyls. I've ridden in a V8 swapped Jensen Healey (obviously a newer vehicle) and it was gut-wrenchingly fast. I honestly prefer my friend's old Morgan 4/4 series IV (RHD) with the original 60hp Ford 4-cyl. It's slow as molasses in terms of acceleration, which forces you to focus 100% on car control. Something about the experience of driving that is what the car is truly about. IMO if you wanted to do a V8 swap, there's so many better platforms that won't give you headaches from multiple angles. TL;DR if you want an old LBC for what it is - that is a failure-prone, slow-but-zippy, "just you and the road" type car - then by all means get an AH3000 and restore it to former glory. But if you want something unique, powerful, different, and this AH you're looking at just seems to check the right boxes, I think there's better options that will also check said boxes.
  11. If it were not a giant headache, what would be your intent with it? IMO if you're not going to take it to the track all the time, it's a waste. LBCs aren't great cars and we don't really have a lot of great roads for them around here. Probably tons of fun for auto-x and vintage track days, but other than that they're so fragile and small they just end up being show/garage queens. I know a few people who were seduced by the allure of hitting the B-roads with their classic roadster only to find out that it sucks getting stranded 20 miles from civilization and the roads don't have any bends anyways.
  12. I was wondering where I'd seen that before, I wonder if it had something to do with that tree in winterfell? Lots of heavy plot points occurred near that tree before winterfell was sacked. EDIT: all i can see is that the faces in trees are "thought" to have been carved by the children of the forest...bloodraven tells bran it's time for him to take his place, i wonder if it's an indication that the faces aren't carved, but rather a warg sacrifices himself and merges with the tree or something? since bran escaped the walkers, I wonder if his purpose is to restore power to house stark by merging with that tree in winterfell (since that tree is obviously insanely important, it's been in the opening sequence and is more or less an indicator of the health of house stark) and doing something to help the impending war on house bolton.
  13. all I see: :megusta: :fa: :no:
  14. Tormund and that giant are gonna eiffel tower her
  15. I'm looking to buy a TV in the near future, within the next 4 months. Might pull the trigger today, might hold off. If you're buying a TV today, do you spring for the 4K in anticipation of support arriving for it through cable/streaming platforms? Or do you snag a deal on something 1080p and wait for 4k to be fully supported before buying a 4K TV. I'm looking at 60-65" TVs mostly Samsung. "Smart" doesn't matter to me, I have an XB1 that I use as a media center, but I realize it's already on most TVs. # of inputs doesn't matter either, everything either goes through the XB1 or through the home theater receiver. I want something that looks super sharp and smooth... I cheaped out and bought a 55" Westinghouse last time I got a TV which was 3 years ago and while it hasn't been a bad TV by any means, it's definitely not of the same caliber as the major brands, the blacks suck and the colors aren't crisp. I don't really give a shit about refresh rate. It can be 120HZ CMR, 240HZ whatever. I don't care about the buzzwords, I just want it to look great. Some people hate the "fake" looking pictures with the high refresh rates, I actually kinda like it. TV will be primarily used for live sports, streaming TV shows (currently hooked on The Americans), and vidyagames like Fallout 4. Currently looking at Samsung UN60J6200, http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-UN60J6200-60-Inch-1080p-Smart/dp/B00U9U9AAM Normally I'm not a brand whore, but I am able to get a TV like that for $200 through a work bonus program. Or I can wait and see if they add some 4k tvs to the program for a slightly higher price. They recently had a 65" LG 4k TV for about $600 through the program. Thoughts?
  16. IIRC the only functional difference between XV and Impreza is towing capacity. Other than that, it's just an appearance package, suspension lift, and price tag
  17. Any SUV that meets the majority of those criteria and is under $20k will not be something you want. Get a minivan. Or get a Buick Roadmaster station wagon.
  18. "if if flies, floats, fucks, or drives, lease it"
  19. He's basically the same as a 16 year old with a Dodge Stratus with a 9ft high wing and a buzzing fart can. "Bro it turns so many heads." Yeah, it does. Did you ever bother to ask why, though? He turns heads because he's a trainwreck happening in ultra slow motion.
  20. It's because your license plate is "DR FUNZO", and kids hate doctors.
  21. Good to know, Motohio told me that if Ace couldn't cut the BMW key they sold me that Zipf would be the place to take it.
  22. Violated her safe space. That's basically penetration.
  23. Yeah I would love to spend my evenings delivering beard oil to hipsters for $2/trip. :dumb:
  24. Step 1) Don't be a rapist or murderer Step 2) Don't look like a rapist or murderer You failed one of them.
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