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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. IMO not as good. Someone who I trust to have knowledge of these things told me they basically pay no rent because it's Les Wexner's favorite steakhouse, but were it not for that they would've folded long ago.
  2. I went to see Richie Ramone at Ace of Cups the other night. Dude can still rock the fuck out.
  3. THIS. My friend (the best man) and I just planned a bachelor weekend getaway for our other best friend in May. - Rented a decent AirBnb in downtown Cincinnati, in the Over The Rhine district. Total cost for 2 nights, which had enough beds/sofas for 8 guys was $571 and included a secure parking lot. - Friday we drove down, stopping at Blue Ash Golf Course for a round on the way, which is an AMAZING course for the price. Then got a box at the HandleBar at GABP which included a buffet and unlimited drinks all night (until they cut you off as one of my friends discovered right before he passed out in the middle of the 5th inning). We lucked out and there was about a 90 minute rain delay so we got a fuckton of drinking in, cost about $100/person and I would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone. Went out in the stadium district immediately after and was accosted by multiple bachelorette groups. 10/10. - Saturday we did brunch at Taste of Belgium in OTR, drove down to KY and hit up the Willett, Very Old Barton, and Heaven Hill distilleries before having dinner at Talbott Tavern in Bardstown. Came back to OTR (with a stop at Party Source on the way), showered and hit the OTR district; tons of awesome bars including a few familiars like a 16-bit Barcade, the original Bakersfield, etc. So many bars to choose from, you can stumble around for hours. Which we did. Again, tons of bachelorette groups were encountered and much fun was had. - Sunday me and the best man just went out and got Dunkin Donuts for everyone because we were all too hung over to deal with restaurants. Got packed up, left the AirBnB, drove straight to Glenview Golf Course reeking of booze and cigars and proceeded to play the best/worst rounds of golf of our lives. I think most of us were probably still drunk, by the 18th hole we were playing full contact golf. Long story short, just do what I did because it was the most stupidly fun bachelor party I've ever been to.
  4. PM me price if you're interested in selling Forza 6 alone, thanks
  5. Buy my Shield 9mm, nice and narrow for the lady's hand (I traded for it for my fiancée but she never wants to go shooting and it doesn't fit my hand properly)
  6. http://blog.suretysolutionsllc.com/suretynews/10-steps-to-getting-an-ohio-court-ordered-title Apparently OH doesn't have bonded titles so that's the best I could find.
  7. WHAT A FOOL BELIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVES HE SEEEEES There's not enough Michael McDonald on the radio anymore, this station rocks.
  8. Can't speak to the irons but Taylormade drivers and woods are fantastic. I still have my Burner woods but traded my Burner driver for an R11S last year. GLWS
  9. A friend of mine was looking for an investment property to fix up and rent. He went to see a sheriff's sale one the day before, walked around the back alleys around the house to try to get a peek without breaking in or anything illegal; saw the roof in the back of the house starting to sag. His max based on that would've been $25k, the next day at the auction he left after 10 minutes because it had already gone over $40k and was rising.
  10. info added to OP for those interested. pics as well, can take more pics upon request.
  11. I would separate the holster(s), keep an eye on this thread later tonight for pics. Any specific things you want me to look for on the holsters? I'll be honest I don't have a CHL so I never paid attention to the holsters, the previous owner just included them in the trade since he'd no longer have use for them.
  12. Got it on a trade a while back, put it in a safe and in the back of my mind. Never even took it to the range. EDIT: Updated because someone asked below and I wasn't clear; this gun is USED not new, though I do not currently know round count, it appears to have been someone's carry piece with minor wear. Comes with: 1 7-rd magazine 1 8-rd magazine 2 holsters, one custom made by the previous owner, digital camo pattern. The other is a pretty basic black holster, will check brand when I get home. Update: black holster is a Fobus PPS, made for Walther PPS and not Shield 9. The Shield fits almost perfectly, strangely, but doesn't lock into place. The camo holster is custom OWB made by the previous owner, and the Shield locks firmly into place. I would prefer to keep this one with the Shield for now. 100 rds assorted (mostly federal) 9mm ammo. Not very interested in trades at this time, but I'll listen to offers. $400 obo. Pics coming tonight. EDIT: pics https://imgur.com/a/jGsfY
  13. U.S. Army Reserve, media has now IDed him. I refuse to ID terrorists. Fuck them and the notoriety they want.
  14. the short of it is because money. too many decision makers promoted because networking rather than via merit, can't make sense.
  15. I don't know about IL/Chicago, but most big cities don't have the same minimal use of unmarked units that OH has. Additionally, especially in my experience in Boston, many departments are using lights that are hidden on the interior of the car; grilles, upper windshield, etc. Still, you could be right. I somehow doubt they'd allocate a big V8 interceptor to non-pursuit duty though.
  16. For those who want to take action; there's lots of controversy regarding the autonomy of driverless vehicles and their impact on the world economy, but with the current shortage of long haul truckers causing unnecessary risks to occasionally be taken, this sort of thing serves as a source for action. Write your congresspeople, write your leadership, and do what you can to support businesses that are investing in autonomous driver technology. While I don't like the idea of losing the ability to drive my own car and have fun, I don't believe there's any need for long haul truckers in today's economy. Driverless trucks will use fewer resources and pose less of a threat to the safety of other drivers. My thoughts are with the family, with you OP, and hopefully some good can come of this tragedy, like the attention Dom Tiberi brought to central OH regarding texting/driving after the death of his daughter. EDIT: Just read the article and saw the age of the truck driver. 25 years old is certainly an adult, but this adult was unable to control his truck and killed 2 young boys. The age of the driver is an indication of what I wrote above; the market for long haul truckers is desperately undersupplied and as a result, some otherwise "non-competitive" candidates are probably being handed the keys to some expensive and heavy equipment with less than ideal training. tragedy no matter how you cut it, though.
  17. Got it on craigslist or anything? Would love to share this ad with some non-CR member friends.
  18. As soon as he took off the crown I jokingly said "FETCH THE ROYAL CATAPULT" and then I felt bad for .0000145 seconds and then I laughed at what happened.
  19. as an alternative, ask a German to say "squirrel" and proceed to lose your shit.
  20. Yes but there were MANY included promises if Scotland voted to forego independence. Promises that were immediately withdrawn or delayed after the vote. Couple with the Brexit vote where every single locality in Scotland voted to remain in the EU and I think Scotland's independence is all but guaranteed if they vote on it again. My boss is Scottish and his mum's pissed off, she voted for independence and to remain in the EU. Listening to her angrily curse via Facetime is hilarious though.
  21. Don't doubt that, but this article highlights the complications of such issues. It's not as simple as "send them back where they came from". http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-31871532
  22. I wonder what Scotland's thinking right now; most of what I saw was that the Scots, Welsh, etc did NOT want to leave because much of their quality of life is due to their inclusion in the EU, as they feel that Westminster doesn't care about them. Scotland had their opportunity at independence and chose to waive that opportunity, now that Brexit succeeded, are they kicking themselves? And while there are certainly elements of racism/bigotry in the "leave" camp, I do not believe that view of immigrants is the main motivating factor. We in the U.S. are fortunate to have 2 oceans and 2 border nations, a relatively easy border to secure. The EU is on the doorstep of terrorist-supporting nations and it is far too easy for a terrorist to enter the EU through a poor, non secured border country and simply waltz to the UK with no checkpoints or visas. There are simply too many other nations that the UK must "trust" to keep their own country secure, so I can absolutely see the validity of the argument. I don't think the EU will crumble, nor do I believe the UK is permanently out of it, but the world is facing a terrorism crisis right now and it needs to be addressed. Boris Johnson becoming PM, however, would be a pretty awful first step. EDIT: :lolguy: at LJ's comment, it hadn't appeared before I wrote my first paragraph.
  23. The Active line of phones is basically an AT&T exclusive line of phones, I do not believe they'll work on Verizon.
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