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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. https://www.facebook.com/Keydude-LLC-118907331553157/ We (dealership) use this guy all the time. A+ guy, will treat you right and doesn't fuck around with pricing. EDIT: and he'll come to you
  2. This, exactly this. Roles on committees are allocated by political capital. You "do your time" you get the chair that you want, rather than "hey this guy is wet behind the ears but he knows his shit" getting you the role. If everyone's on a level playing field (that is, no one would have more than, say 12 years experience) then there's less incentive to allocate roles by tenure and more incentive to allocate roles based on who will get more shit done.
  3. The power of incumbency has never been more important. With no accountability in either campaign funding or on pure fact-checking in elections, it's never been easier to be a career politician. With gobs of money pouring in from lobbyists and job guarantees for after your term (so long as you promise to push X Y and Z agenda) it's never been more profitable to be a politician either. Impose Congressional term limits and overhaul campaign finance and you'll see a much more effective government. Easier said than done, of course, since Congresspeople are the ones who would have to vote to uproot A) their job security and B) their cash cow.
  4. It's not just Dems and it's not just gun control. Ever since Citizens United the main job of politicians has not been to serve their constituents, but rather to raise funds for their own re-election campaigns and to better position their party to win seats. It's no longer about governing, rather it's about moving political chess pieces in order to gain an undefeatable majority in Congress, SCOTUS, and ultimately office of the POTUS. I've been saying it since Citizens United became a thing; money in politics is what is preventing the progress of this country. It has become more politically reasonable to hold up EVERYTHING until you can get exactly what you want, than to compromise on ANYTHING. Fuck politicians, fuck Citizens United, and fuck the media for gobbling up the money that all this BS generates rather than reporting on the real issue that is money in politics.
  5. I wasn't sold on this theory until Tyrion mentioned it in his appeal to Dany in the last episode. That all but confirmed it to me. I bet Cersei goes all in; remember, she was told that all 3 of her kids will die. Tommen is the only one still alive, and Cersei has repeatedly been reminded that she is just the Queen Mother, completely powerless. The only things she cares about is power and the Lannister name, and when she hooked up with Jamie again she's basically saying he's more important than Tommen because he's still loyal to their House.
  6. Spend as much time walking as you can tolerate. It's a fantastic city to walk around. As someone else said, get curry. It's fantastic there. I'm not normally one to suggest museum visits as they can be very tedious and are, by nature, time consuming. However, London has 2 amazing museums that IMO are very important to see, and 1 is an absolute MUST. The British Museum is probably the most comprehensive collection of artifacts from the whole of human history anywhere in the world. No matter how much you know about the world and human history, you will learn twice as much as you know there. Controversy aside (lots of the artifacts have basically been stolen from other cultures and they want them back) things like the Rosetta Stone reside there. You need to dedicate an entire day to that place, but they also have guidance on things to see if you only have X amount of hours to spend there. The second place is the Natural History Museum which is very cool and obviously encompasses more about the world around us than our place in the world, but it is a VERY cool building. I would say the British Museum trumps the NHM in terms of importance. Also very cool is St. Paul's Cathedral. I'm not a religious person by any measure, but it's an amazing site to visit.
  7. They teased that sooooo fucking hard before the old 3eyed Raven died and then just haven't even nodded to it since. Really fucking frustrating.
  8. If this was a 1M, it'd be for sale for $50k (but not for long at that price). The M Sport on this includes, as Kerry said, upgraded black headliner, shadowline trim, M sport wheels, M sport seats, shifter, steering wheel, and no suspension upgrade. Definitely a desirable package, it sets it apart from the IMO vanilla looking NON Msport equipped cars.
  9. I wonder what it's like to have such a microscopic penis as to need something like this.
  10. They may not want to incorporate the actual character, but it wouldn't surprise me if they incorporated some of the story elements via characters like Arya and Sansa.
  11. My folks have an almost identical car (manual instead of DCT) and it drives like an absolute dream. If I was in the market this would be high on the list. GLWS.
  12. I normally hate shaky-camera BS but I thought it was done very well to induce panic in the audience. Can't wait for the finale. So there's been much debate about "Lady Stoneheart" and whether or not she'd appear. Anyone think there's a chance that it could be Sansa? That creepy diabolical smile as Ramsay gets shredded would've previously been very out of character for her. We may have been watching the development of Lady Stoneheart without ever realizing it.
  13. Not just Facebook, but the 24 hour news media cycle. Infamy is all but guaranteed, and for a small pathetic mind that is capable of committing such an atrocity, infamy is often the end game. That's why, IMO, you have hypocritically religious zealots using ISIS and Islam to, in their minds, lend validity to their acts. In their mind it makes them part of something bigger, rather than just some mentally diseased asshole with a gun.
  14. just trying to prove what a stupid quote the former (in the video) is with an equally stupid quote. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" makes for a dandy T-shirt but the more it gets repeated when a mass shooting happens, the less reasonable debate about how to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people occurs.
  15. On the other hand, if I was standing there pulling my trigger finger in the air with no gun in my hand, I wouldn't kill people. Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people.
  16. Oh boy, kinda thought that with the Orlando massacre fresh in our minds that people wouldn't be so quick to dance on the not-yet-buried body of an innocent woman to "prove" their political point. A+ thread, will question humanity again.
  17. The U.S. will never be overthrown or invaded because no one has the capacity to consume that we do. Even China can't influence the world economy the way the U.S. does because the Chinese economy is based on reacting to the consumer trends of Americans. Those who own the majority of our debt stand to gain only if America continues dominating the world. The rest of the world produces. We create.
  18. Considering the actress who was playing Cersei in the play changed her monologue to be much more vengeful than sad, simultaneously capturing the sympathy of the audience as she vowed revenge against those who killed Joffrey, this theory could hold water.
  19. How is that a rumor, they knew about it since season 2 when they used that cache to defeat the Baratheon invasion... I would guess that the rumor either has to do with the dragons, OR it could be that Gendry the Baratheon bastard could come back into play OR it could have to do with some plot from Little Finger that we've yet to discover. EDIT: Or maybe it's got something to do with the High Septon, that's a person that Cersei would have a vested interest in learning a lot more about.
  20. This PLUS an impending vicious election? yeah, you should.
  21. Not like Tyrion has any experience leading a land-based battle against a seaborne enemy or anything... http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthrones/images/4/41/Wildfire_explosion.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150328212702
  22. 1 Series is IMO the true successor to the E36 in terms of the way it drives. My folks just bought a 335i xDrive but when they were looking for a "fun" car to sorta replace the E36 M3 my dad has but leaves in Ohio (when he's here for work) the E90 just wasn't the same car. They looked around at tons of cars, incl Evora, 911, Cayman, and nothing they drove made them smile. I suggested checking out the 1 series and they both ended up loving it.
  23. These two statements are contradictory and hilarious.
  24. My folks have a 2011 135i M Sport. It's their 3rd car but they take it out in Connecticut winter, no sweat there. They don't drive it very much so I can't give you the skinny on longevity, but they absolutely love it and plan to keep it a long time.
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