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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. i have a problem with paul giamatti. dunno what it is, i just hate every movie he's in for the most part. as for a good M Night movie? you dudes didn't like Unbreakable?
  2. http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/MMPO/505159~Lady-In-The-Water-Posters.jpg
  3. they've already stolen all of our picanic baskets, eeyyyyy boo boo
  4. if you're confused, go eat some poison oak and it'll all become clear.
  5. i came for the please stop i stayed for the broken transmission
  6. already ordered mine at like 2am. i'm usually not big on factory recertified stuff, but who cares if $1/10GB of storage.
  7. I'd heard 870 before so I was thinking that, though I've never shot slugs before so I might as well take the opportunity to get educated. Now comes the process of convincing my dad to take some classes with me. Thanks for the advice dudes.
  8. good catch whats up with linn these days anyways. pound me in the ass prison?
  9. So my parents' house in VT has seen a LOT of black bear activity lately. Dunno if its the construction, tough season, whatever the reason the contractors doing work on the house have told us they've seen large bear tracks in the snow on our back deck. So for christmas I'm thinking about getting them something as a "just-in-case" home protection gun, but don't know what to get 'em. My dad's got minimal to no experience so just something that could be locked up 99.999999% of the time and hopefully never ever used. Suggestions?
  10. it was probably you getting a call back from your m4m craigslist personal. speaking of which, best revenge tactic ever if you have someone's cell #. i.e. "call me and tell me your dirty secrets at 614-xxx-xxxx, after 12 midnight only please"
  11. if you're gonna get a ps3 make sure you're ok with it not playing your old PS2 games. the new consoles no longer have backwards compatibility. fwiw i'd look into getting an older used 60GB so you get the ability to play the old games if you have any
  12. ahhh now i see why you made that cigar thread. create awareness then while the market is hot BAM sell sell sell! bravo sir, bravo.
  13. forgot to mention, built in blu-ray > nonexistent HD DVD format
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360_exclusives http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:PlayStation_3-only_games IMO gameplay on PS3 is more enjoyable, but the games for XBOX360 are far superior, specifically Halo 3, Gears of War 2, Saints Row 2. I think you'd only really be missing out on Gran Turismo 5 and Metal Gear Solid. However, I will say that HDMI > Component, I'm not sure if newer XBOXes have HDMI
  15. actually this case (Hinckley's) caused almost the entire nation to reform its insanity laws in court. several states completely did away with insanity as an excuse.
  16. FWIW this is a good price for this car. I got a good deal on my 2dr Explorer Sport, 2 years older with 50k fewer miles and paid a little less than 3k. This is the last model before the new ones that started having horrible trans issues in 01.
  17. first of all, Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity so he can't be paroled. second of all, thats fucking hilarious.
  18. nice car, lose the skirts though IMO.
  19. just adding some props to this thread, I've got the ZX300.1 powering my single JL 12" and its more than sufficient power. if I'm not mistaken comes with a wired remote that can be attached to the console? really great amp for filling the exploder with bass.
  20. Mt Snow has stated they're trying to open for Thanksgiving. Shit's crazy if they can even get one trail. This winter will be awesome though.
  21. some amazing pics right there. thing I love about Bromley is it faces south, therefore almost always bathed in sunlight. makes for crunchy snow, but I spend most of my time standing up and going fast so it works well for me. some of my sister's better photos from the mtn: http://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v192/138/73/1433760082/n1433760082_30097616_7692.jpg http://photos-f.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v192/138/73/1433760082/n1433760082_30097589_484.jpg mom and sis with Stratton in the background http://photos-d.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v192/138/73/1433760082/n1433760082_30097595_2157.jpg
  22. closest thing we get to Colorado or Utah out east, i suppose.
  23. JP is fuckin great, I've only been there once when it was raining at Stowe. You're right about the prices though, best student rates in VT (that I've seen). However, early Christmas present from the 'rents = season pass to Bromley = unbeatable...I'll be on the slopes straight from 12/26 until 1/13. So fucking great.
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