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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. QUALITY RESPONSE, GAYFAGS! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v604/andthatisthat/incest_motivator-1.jpg
  2. i can only hope the rest of your rep for me was negative:cool:
  3. When you get your temps, make sure you put your car into twin trees so you both die.
  4. Hold up. Wait a fucking second. What’s all this talk about Rex Grossman heading to the bench?! Do you see Rex Grossman walking to the bench? Do you see Lovie Smith calling for Brian Griese? Do you? DO YOU?! Do you think I’m going to just sit idly by while some other jackass gets to throw my ball and take my audience? Do you really think Rex Fucking Grossman would just quietly accept his fate?! Do you think these eyes can’t tame a wild cougar? Fuck that shit. I am not going down without a fuck. You heard me. If you want to take my job, you’ll have to come and fuck the ever-loving shit out of me if you want to do it. Rex Grossman is no quitter. He will fuck and fuck and fuck until there’s no fuck left in him. That’s how he was born, that’s how he was raised, and that’s how he’ll die: fucking. If you think I’m going down without some serious hardcore, elbow-deep-in-your-butt gangbanging, you are sadly mistaken. I’m not backing down on this one. On the contrary. I am locked and loaded and ready to spray my salty jism all over this town if it means being able to do what I love most. I didn’t get this far not to fuck for what I believe in. I’m taking a stand. I’m holding my ground. And I’m fucking on it. Think you can just waltz in here and tell the Sex Cannon what to do? Over my hard body. I fucked hard to get into this position. You’re gonna have to come get it. Naked. With my penis inside you. Want to put me down for good, Chicago? Just. Fucking. Bring. It. And don’t think I won’t get my shots in. I got a nut just waiting for your eye. This is gonna be tooth and nail. Ass and ball. Tit and clit. Cock and mouth. If I lose, so be it. But there’s still some sex left in this cannon. I’ll fuck to the end. This was sexy business. But now it’s sexy personal. So prepare yourself. You’ve got one big fuck on your hands. I may be going down. On you. But I’m going down swinging. My dick.
  5. i wish someone had made a place on the internet where people could request whatever physical or sexual attributes they wanted in a partner... columbus.craigslist.org
  6. lawyer up, deal with it quickly and maturely. contact craigslist admins about finding out where he's posting from. no "word with him" crap, unless you take legal action you'll never stop this bullshit. also, does anyone have his email? spamyourenemies.com
  7. parents are season ticket holders, get live text updates whenever they play. go crew!
  8. actually i've decided to keep it, this upcoming winter out east is gonna be a bitch and I think 4x4 is more necessary
  9. just a 98 explorer sport.. not sure if i wanna part with it, also i'm in boston. edit: got any interior pics?
  10. I gotta admit, seeing the habs/bruins rivalry at the garden is amazing. my roommate is a B's season ticket holder so I'll be mooching my share of games this year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MNktErzlOA pause that video at 1:09, the guy in the B's jersey on the right of the shot that's jumping up and pointing at van ryn is my roommate. came home with a few cuts, said the people in front of him were bleeding everywhere.
  11. 4 seconds on google http://www.google.com/search?q=rail+jam&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a and another 4 on youtube http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rail+jam&search_type=&aq=f edit: its what you do when you want to ride some rails on a snowboard but there's no snow yet..you get some man made, put it before/after a rail, and have fun.
  12. http://feeble.emolyncher.com/Kama%20Sutra/Extended%20Doggie.jpg http://feeble.emolyncher.com/Kama%20Sutra/Raised%20Missionary.jpg http://feeble.emolyncher.com/Kama%20Sutra/Rocking%20Chair.jpg http://feeble.emolyncher.com/Kama%20Sutra/The%20Plow.jpg http://feeble.emolyncher.com/Kama%20Sutra/The%20Underdog.jpg there's more in the link in my prev post, but there's some see-thru boobage. find it on your own time.
  13. man....my dad used to have one of these, I really miss it. not lookin to trade are you?
  14. here, this should help you understand YOU'RE A GIANT FUCKING FAGGOT AND NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE.
  15. btw since the sexy is seriously lacking in this thread, I'll do my part to help. http://feeble.emolyncher.com/Kama%20Sutra/ you're welcome edit: i dunno, maybe NWS? no nudes but good god there are some sexy bitches in that album
  16. HAHAHAHAHA oh man post 18 is the greatest. "you know your girlfriend is ugly right?" ...only on a bodybuilding forum...
  17. 1) shootout games suck. so anticlimactic. 2) Rangers are best in the East. the Habs are one piece away from a Stanley Cup, and that piece is Marian Gaborik. If they can get him from Minn without giving up too much, they'll win the cup, even considering the Red Wings.
  18. no, that's BO and thats you. we need a system to prevent noobs from posting in other noobs threads in the oven
  19. goddamn kids with your loud music and fancy internets and fast cars! stay off the road ya damn whippersnappers!
  20. oh my god. page one. epic, epic ownage edit: i'm still amazed that you took the time to make a video. +rep as much as i can
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