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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I love the crew but i'm much more into UEFA. Love that ESPN2 shows the games
  2. I believe it, I have season 1 of Jackass on DVD and one of the previously unreleased clips is of Johnny Knoxville dressed as santa going to get a colonic. When he has to poopie at the end, they give him one of those blocks to raise his feet up. If jackass did it, it must be true.
  3. to say that you must have watched women's pro basketball at least once. haha fag.
  4. my parents have seats at midfield on the east side, 9 rows up. gonna be great to see the Crew go up against McBride and Jon Busch!
  5. come sail away, come sail away come sail away with WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  6. you remember me when I was rollin around with Bobby's little bro. I was just a bigger douche back then. on second thought, I'm probably a bigger douche now.
  7. "typed up" =/= "ctrl + v" edit: and fuck it anyways, I'm doing something on the treaty of rapallo, its easier and shorter.
  8. thats a threat! I call mod abuse of powers! seriously, I'll do anything to not write this goddamn paper. Anyone wanna do a paper on the Root-Takahira agreement for me?
  9. smack a bitch? edit: posting in a V8beast thread
  10. when i was on the board before I was 18 i was a douche. make it invite only or something.
  11. you care enough to keep telling us everyone else likes you.
  12. They said in september they were never coming back again b/c they got flamed for a bunch of faggy posts. Now they're back and can't take a hint that everyone here thinks they should die. They also don't seem to understand that claims made on the internet are given about as much credence as used toilet paper.
  13. Settle it once and for all, dinguses, post the title with either of your names on it (I don't care if you black out the last name) and we'll shut up. Until then, you're lying faggots.
  14. why don't you drive on over to meet up with someone? oh wait...
  15. isn't it past your bedtime? or are you hard and stay up til 3 and 4 am every night?
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