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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. If she's clean there's nothin wrong with a little extracurriculars. edit: not like its the first place I dive to see, but sometimes you just get carried away with yourself.
  2. OH GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE my eyes!! ze goggles do nothing!!
  3. yeah, invest away. if you MUST do something with your money, turn it into Euros and invest it outside the U.S.
  4. would you consider selling mariokart/steering wheel separate? my roommate has expressed some interest.
  5. I don't even know where to begin explaining how much better HDMI is than a simple VGA hookup.
  6. he's gonna just get raped by some fatty edit: also, set up a video camera and catch the hilarity on video if he gets responses. or you could take him to a bar so he can pick up girls like a normal dude
  7. this TV + this graphics card (has a native HDMI port) and you're good to go.
  8. -Billy Idol's Greatest Hits. Rebel Yell + Dancing With Myself + Don't You = can't hate -Old Blink 182 a la Cheshire Cat, Dude Ranch, Buddha -Bob Seger "Turn The Page", fucking Bob Seger sucks but I love this song -Death Cab for Cutie - Plans -Eve6 "Think Twice" -A Flock of Seagulls "I Ran" That's just A-F I gotta go to class.
  9. now here's a guy who knows how to write an intro. Love the S2k, both sets of wheels look bomb on it.
  10. Not long ago we were having some problems with Comcast (their weekly auditor had our house mistagged so they kept shutting off our cable/internet every week). I'm generally mild-mannered on the phone, as getting mad at the customer service reps just makes things slower. The first 2 times I was on the phone with people from Texas and it took about 2 hours each time to get some results, which usually involved waiting a day for someone to come out here to fix our cable but not retag it, so it just got shut off every consecutive week. The third time I called I reached someone in Bangalore, India. I was on the phone for 20 minutes and had a service supervisor at my house 2 hours later who fixed the problem permanently. Cheap, efficient foreign labor > overpaid U.S. unions.
  11. made some shrimp quesadillas and after 2 hours of reffing in 20 degree weather I'm about to die.
  12. lol its the noon game. I'll probably sleep through it and wake up for Tech/OK at 8.
  13. there was a big bust of a site I used to be on, Oink. pretty famous in the downloading world as it was the only time authorities have ever pursued legal action against someone other than the admin of the site. it is illegal and that's the bottom line. however, it could be a chance for you and your son to do some honest research and maybe you could find out a bit about him. I am 100% behind illegal downloading because its not screwing the artists, its screwing the recording companies. in fact, I'm sure about 80% of artists these days wouldn't be around were it not for illegal downloading. I could sit around and justify it all day and for me it is a perfectly fine justification; I think the mp3 revolution is taking away from recording companies and putting power in the hands of artists and what we're seeing is a struggle for the people who have the money to keep the money.
  14. guys can you clean it up in here? all the drool from iPhone fellatio is leaking out and getting other threads dirty. thanks
  15. wow damn good deal, surprised it took til 6am today to sell!
  16. I believe the biggest health problem involved with the whites is that they go deaf early on in life. I have no source to cite for this, I just remember when my fam was getting a dog I wanted us to get a Boxer but we instead rescued a mutt who had just given birth to a litter from the shelter.
  17. he's gotten to the point where the refs have stopped trying to decide what's a trip and what's a dive and they're just calling everything in his favor. he's one of my favorite players and I can still say UEFA needed Man U to win the champions league last year like everyone claimed the NFL needed the Pats to go 19-0
  18. Columbus Til I Die Can't wait to watch the final. The Hooligans have been so influential this year.
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