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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. They do it in the NCAA. Just because there's no Heisman in pro football means they shouldn't do the same? Its up to other coaches to do what they want, but IMO 60 minutes is 60 minutes and both teams better be ready to play 100% of them.
  2. Its hard to have a come from behind victory when you're winning in the 4th quarter. You want to start comparing Delhomme to Brady? ok lets go. Delhomme's been in the league since 99, Brady since 00. In that time, Delhomme has posted 2 seasons above a 100 QB rating, but he played 4 games the first time, and 3 games the 2nd, whereas Brady's last year was his only where he averaged above 100, but he played all 16 games. He's only had 3 complete seasons (I don't count 06, Weinke played 3 games). Brady has 6 complete seasons, and one with 15 games. Delhomme career passer rating: 85.1 (good, not good enough for an 03 Super Bowl) Brady passer rating: 92.9 TD/Int Delhomme: 107/69 Brady: 197/86 Yds Delhomme: 16122 Brady: 26,446 I don't care if Brady's had more games to do it in, avoiding injury is a skill too.
  3. someone with CR superpowers should change the thread title to "circle jerk night results"
  4. Dallas and Carolina removed for you...First off, the Cowboys blow hardcore this year regardless of injury. Jason Garrett's playcalling has been nothing short of abysmal this year and po' widdle tony womo's widdle fingie has nothing to do with it, he got hurt on the last play before the boys in blue choked on a long injection of cardinal dick. Carolina has played the equivalent of Ohio State's schedule; playing the retards of the league with a few decent teams and losses interspersed. Jake Delhomme is a whiney choke artist bitch. Steve Smith is crazy. Jonathan Stewart can't carry that team on his own.
  5. congrats, they sent an 0-6 team to 0-7. thats like celebrating after beating last year's Dolphins.
  6. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/palin_biden1457.jpg
  7. cc sabathia took it with him, along with any hope of an Ohio team ever winning a world series
  8. unbreakable is the only good thing shyamalan ever did
  9. natural flow of traffic > posted speed limits. thats why a number of states have made it illegal to be passed on the right if you're in the left lane.
  10. http://img175.exs.cx/img175/4702/shutoffweb5eu.jpg
  11. considering McCain can't lift his arms above his head, Obama might have an advantage
  12. no you have exceeded your monthly allotment of fail. try back next month.
  13. Not here to spread hate, though I expect to get my share of it. Did anyone watch last nights ALCS game? Easily one of the most exciting comebacks in postseason baseball ever. The way this city sounded after Drew's game winning single, you would've thought the Celtics had just won another NBA Championship.
  14. I think I speak for everyone when I say :nopics:. srsly congrats tho.
  15. http://lolerz.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/this-picture-makes-no-sense.jpg
  16. just to let y'all know what a deal this is, this is the same card new: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161226 wish I had an AGP slot, GL w/sale.
  17. damn i thought i was gonna come in here to a "I walked in on my parents" story. good to hear he's stable, thoughts are with the family.
  18. lol i love it when people yell at me on the internet. you need a waahhhhsprin? or should i call the wahhhmbulance? edit: if you hate me so much, just put me on ignore you goatfucker.
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