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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. http://www.chatshack.us/Frame/upload/banhammer2.jpg
  2. fair gets left at the door here. thats pretty much common knowledge
  3. when i worked at a coffee shop and tried to call in sick when i was hung over, my boss would tell me to come in and whip me up a large organic chai with a triple shot of espresso. after that i just drank water all day, but the initial breakthrough was with one of those. edit: if you're on the east side, Java's is the place to get it (that's where I worked). its off beecher crossing near the fire station (where Graeters is)
  4. someone get paul in here, this is a powderkeg waiting to be a flame war. edit: bonus points if you get the Orc to get an account and get in here.
  5. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a319/averon2/snipercrowbar.jpg
  6. goddamned feel-good hippie bitches. this is the kind of person Hilary is
  7. these days you honestly have to try to get banned. i've been giving it the ole' college try for a couple years and it still doesn't happen.
  8. fucking win. this thread rocks edit: and not because of that ogre in the picture
  9. wow a noob posting in the only worthwhile forum on CR. can't wait to see pics. will they be here or pics/vids sect?
  10. oh no you don't, either you're back or you're not. fucking ninjas http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v609/oliveer/Ninjas.jpg
  11. cuz i'm useless, don't live in COLUMBUS, nor do I currently RACE.
  12. back on topic: ban yourself. edit: to keep this on topic, whenever you post give a reason the person above you should be banned edit2: cuz his title is "always banned"
  13. http://www.videosift.com/video/kid-gets-knocked-out-by-a-7-pound-dildo edit: possibly NWS due to presence of a giant dildo
  14. Who ah da best five rappers of all tyme? Dylan, Dylan, Dylan Dylan Dylan. This wasn't a ban request thread, this was just me doing my job; posting threads in the kitchen that cause everyone to say LOOK AT ME I'M YELLING ON THE INTERNET. mission accomplished I'd say.
  15. see this is a perfect example of a no contribution reply. its not funny, you have no idea the history between the two of us on this board (100% animosity). the next time you think about typing something, just throw your monitor out a window.
  16. whoa holy shit i thought you disappeared. been a long time since i talked some e-thug to you.
  17. at least i got no tribal tats, brah. is this you trying to bust my balls? you're not getting any laughs, save for maybe you mustang circle jerk squad that's been shitting up The Oven for 2 weeks. jesus dude there's way more things to pick on me about. i've got nothing wrong with you picking on me, every post you make is another affirmation of your complete lack of a clue as to why everyone thinks you're the kind of douchebag that needs a GT500 to validate himself. i don't know if you're actually this big a douche in person but there's certain kinds of jackasses that are welcome and certain kinds that aren't. i'm the kind that provides at least mild amusement to the mods at a rate consistent enough to keep me from being banned. the only reason you haven't been banned is the principle that the mods don't ban idiots just for being idiots. please do us a favor and just stop being a d-bag.
  18. List 'em all! I'll start: CRAWDAD AkumaNoPhaggo in before "El Borracho"
  19. ^^^lmao at 80's-ass "hotties" you're a bumblefuck retard, brah.
  20. dear mods; how much would i have to paypal someone to rape the name of this thread to something of my choosing. sincerely, the only guy that can hold a candle to CRAWDAD's douchebagness.
  21. Anyone else notice the government taking over the economy? How far away is central planning?
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