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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. all can be solved with http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/kungfu.jpg and also this http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/This_Will_Not_End_Well.jpg edit: god I'm glad I'm not the guy in the first pic. I wanna know where that came from.
  2. i'll give you that. every time i go through findlay i drive a little faster just to get out quicker.
  3. haha you're such a little faggot, please park your car into something stationary and heavy. we're not your personal fucking detective agency. "oh you're looking for a 240sx? let me call everyone i know who has a 240 and ask them if they bought it from a prepubescent queer who hates mustangs." i don't even know how you sold a car without getting a bill of sale for your own purposes, you really must be a fucking idiot
  4. no. no way. there's no way a woman in a cow suit got arrested for disorderly conduct. i don't believe... http://www.wlwt.com/cnn-news/17589970/detail.html
  5. to have a civil war you need to first be civilized. you know you're not civilized when the world refers to half your country as a disputed territory (a la Somaliland)
  6. lol gangstas rob old people...yep, thats gangsta alright.
  7. we're fucked. sooooo fucked. edit: and not because this failed. its because no one in congress has stood up and said "hey maybe we should STOP LENDING MONEY THAT NO ONE HAS SO THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T HAVE TO TAKE CONTROL AND PEOPLE DON'T HAVE TO PAY TO BAIL OUT RICH PEOPLE WHOSE LIVELIHOOD MAY SEE A SMALL DISCREPANCY IN LUXURY FOR THE NEXT FEW YEARS" yelling on the internet is fun edit2: i realize this isn't just about rich people, but people who need borrowed money to live.
  8. i'll paypal you $10 if you tell me which gay porn video i was watching when i made this thread
  9. http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd72/suriyasiero/553px-Lol_que.jpg
  10. see this is why i try to run fucks like you down, to do my part reducing the amount of bitching on the internet. sincerely, the guy in the celica edit: jk, i hate psycho metropolitan drivers
  11. i'm pretty sure closing his eyes when he passes has something to do with it. photo proof: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/sexyrexyeyesclosed.jpgcredit goes to grossman, though. must hurt his eyes aiming at saturn
  12. yeah as far as i know the guy only sold like 50. too bad there were about 1500 other people that wanted them. edit: i'm too lazy but tomorrow i'll post a pic of our Sexy Rexy Fathead that we got on clearance after he got benched. best $30 i've ever spent.
  13. i hope you're in that group on facebook, i created that shit. and by created it i mean reposted it from Big Daddy Drew of the KSK colloquium. kissingsuzykolber.uproxx.com. read it, love it. oh and if you're truly OG you'll have a t-shirt like mine, they're badass http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/sexyrexyshirt.jpg edit: yes its a cell phone pic eat a pile of shit if you don't like it
  14. yet. you know the crazy mother of this guy who died (you'd have to be crazy to let your 52 YEAR OLD SON live with you) is gonna call some crackpot lawyer who will find something to prosecute. such is the litigious society we live in.
  15. http://www.theindychannel.com/news/17576601/detail.html cliffs: 52 year old sex offender breaks into a house w/intent to rape 17 year old girl living there (he was wearing only a ski mask and latex gloves) 17 year old hears him, screams, 64 year old dad shows up and manhandles the motherfucker while wifey calls the cops cops arrive to see poppa choking the motherfucker who is pronounced dead at the scene. no profit, just a motherfucker getting justice. IMO all sex offenders, if enough DNA evidence is present, should be put on an island that is periodically used for USAF bomber accuracy drills.
  16. yeah there were horses and a man on fire and i killed a man with a trident
  17. will USC fall out of the top 10? no will this affect their hopes for a nat'l championship? maybe. all of the SEC will end up with all one loss (they always beat up on themselves), so who knows. still. feels good to rub it in my roommates face after all the "thrashing" comments we got.
  18. penn and teller > all your faggy "magicians" at least those fuckers put on a show that isn't laden with emo eyebrow makeup
  19. its on the internet so it must work exactly as advertised!
  20. if this shit doesn't work, I'm moving to Vancouver. No joke. I've had it up to my neck with this country's bullshit. No longer does our government represent the will of the people.
  21. post as much info as you can on the board about that transaction, let everyone know the kind of person they'll be dealing with edit: everyone at the NSA is probably laughing at that guy too, letting his wife make his business calls for him
  22. the problem with that is there's no real standard time, since none of those cars start from the same point.
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