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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. OPEC has very little to do with the price of oil. During the past few years where prices have skyrocketed, OPEC has consistently increased their production of oil by about half a million barrels every year. The gouging comes stateside when our expensive refineries ship all the cheap cheap diesel overseas to Europe on the cheap, then turn around and jack up the price of unleaded to sell to our gas guzzlers.
  2. schnitzer is german rice trash. still, the 850CSi is pretty fuckin badass
  3. lol "Fordged" I don't trust any online ad that is in all caps. If you can't successfully turn off the caps lock, you probably have no idea what you're doing anywhere else in life. Also, anyone dumb enough to destroy their balance/performance gains with a gigantic subwoofer should not be trusted.
  4. 500x200 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/announcement.php?f=36&announcementid=7
  5. 335 coupe is the hotness, my dad's been toying with the idea of replacing his 95 M3 with one, but I dont think he can part with it. Disregard the haters, though the beginning of the Chris Bangle era sucked (7 series especially), I really like the M coupe/roadster. Welcome
  6. You failed at reading the thread. kenny was making fun of Cavin by suggesting that the only person foolish enough to drop an 80 bike on track and then try and sue someone would be Cavin. There, now everyone can stop ruining this mildly funny thread with "OMG Y U HAV 2 BE SO MEAN 2 CAVIN?!" bullshit. Now its not funny cuz someone had to explain it.
  7. car: check bitches: check welcome to the site
  8. You just earned yourself some positive rep. Welcome
  9. not gonna lie, you're probably shit outta luck. when they released the car back to her its under the understanding that she accepted the work done and was happy with it. they will just claim that she could have just gotten in another accident and is trying to scam them. insurance sucks.
  10. literally the only way to stop this kind of thing from happening would be to get rid of guns altogether. you can't prevent stupid people from doing stupid things. it sucks, but happens.
  11. excellent article, will forward to fellow Obama supporters. I was already an Obama supporter before I got into reading Poltical Mayhem, its just that the articles posted here against Obama made me MORE of a supporter. Not out of vengeance, but just because I'm sick of slander campaigning. Back to the quoted link tho, everyone should read it.
  12. i didn't get banned because "hick" isn't a racial slur. "beaner" is. furthermore, i'm a honky.
  13. keep dreaming. As for my comment, I thought this thread was a bit of a powderkeg waiting for a spark. Guess it wasn't. I got nothing against you Rick, but I'm sure my reputation as an asshole explains a lot.
  14. Sadly, its all we have (the bipartisan system). The difference between the Obama shit and the McCain/Palin stuff here IMO is qualitative. The stuff going after Obama is comprised of so many unsubstantiated claims that I've become disgusted with the entire Republican party this year. I always considered myself a moderate, certainly a fiscal conservative, but I can't align myself with the people McCain surrounds himself with. I think he'd be a fine president, but in my mind he made the mistake of hiring goons like Steve Schmidt, one of Karl Rove's former aides who helped Bush's 04 campaign of "outrage". He's contributed nothing but negativity to the campaign trail, which is something I consider deplorable and disgusting. While I agree Obama is no saint, his attack ads have consistently gone after McCain's policy as well as his character (with the exception of the Keating Five thing, which is retaliation for the Bill Ayers thing). But the lies and deceit of Palin have hurt too. In the VP debate, one moment she talked about how she fought tooth and nail to keep the oil companies from gaining power in Alaska, then 20 minutes later she said we should use Alaskan oil resources to reduce dependence on foreign oil! When I go to mark Obama on my ballot, at least I know the kind of person I'm voting for, for better or worse. I just don't know about McCain. After the 2nd debate, one thing I read really solidified it for me; one of the talking heads described McCain as "angry and aggressive" while Obama looked "presidential". Never heard a more accurate description of that debate.
  15. We've had this political mayhem area for a while now and obviously its a hotbed of activity. But I do wonder...has ANYTHING in this area actually changed anyone's mind? For instance, were you going to vote for McCain and then saw an incendiary article from the Obama camp that Thorne posted and you were like "omgz my conscience I can't vote for McCain anymore!?" I ask because this area is filled with more retardation than the Oven and the Kitchen combined. I for one have become a more avid Obama supporter because of all the dumbfuck McCain/Palin drivel that gets posted here. I was just gonna vote absentee and be done with it, but now I'm encouraging Ohioans here in Boston to register back in OH instead of MA, since their vote is more important.
  16. Next time you want to make an Obama thread, think if your own words. Everyone's sick of your incessant bitching. You're not going to convince anyone here to change their mind, you're just reinforcing your own beliefs and the beliefs of those who already side with you. Enough already, goddamn.
  17. he got banned for the "beaner" comment, i have a feeling he'll be back in a few days. and with that i'll welcome him back for making CR entertaining for me.
  18. my reference to you being an idiot dumbfuck was about the fact that I'm not even the least bit hispanic. and is this man enough for you? http://memimage.cardomain.com/member_images/10/web/2434000-2434999/2434272_11_full.jpg at least you found the caps lock key, taint-for-brains
  19. http://www.monstersfromthesurf.com/images/girl_passed_out_on_table.JPG /thread
  20. lol did you call me a beener? haha you're a fucking dumb shit. when you can post without looking like a 5th grade girl maybe i'll read past your first phrase. til then, enjoy your 2 cobras.
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