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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. way way more than your mind can understand edit: i'm with science abuse this is gonna be great
  2. cassell http://www.theonion.com/content/files/images/Sam-Cassell.jpg does not = cassel http://www.trojanwire.com/images/cassel_pats.jpg however they both look like aliens. get it right people
  3. lulz you think there's anything besides douchebags on the internet altho i did hear a rumor that someone spotted wimmenz on the intertubes...should we be skurred?
  4. QFT, bringing up member # is perhaps the most pathetic attempt at gaining credibility on any forum.
  5. boo hoo just because you're going to suck the long dynastic cock of New England in every sport this year doesn't make us fags. If anything, perennially sucking cock year in and year out like the fuckstick Bengals is probably faggier than anything NE could come up with save for putting Rodney Harrison in a pink tutu with a rainbow upside down triangle on it. No wait, he'd still be more badass than 95% of the league. As for Brady going down? fucking sucks. its goddamn devastating. However, I challenge anyone to come up with a team that forgets the past and looks forward better than the Patriots. Maybe the Dolphins, but they haven't got a snowball's chance in hell. As for Matt Cassel? He backed up Matt Leinart and Carson Palmer, so for all anybody knows he could be one of the 10 best QB's in the league right now. Remember last time a Pats QB went down? Yeah. edit: kenny goddamn, looking through your posted threads list you sure do go on about fags a lot. looks like somebody's got an obsession...
  6. agreed. all the people in somalia tell me its the shiznit
  7. just some from my favorites list: kissingsuzykolber.uproxx.com woot.com (every night at midnight they sell one item at a ridiculously good price, such as last week when they were selling a 65" 1080p LCD TV for $2300) espn.com cnn.com genmay.com tshirthell.com
  8. when i was driving back to boston i saw a truck loaded up with about 6 of them in a bunch of colors. they look pretty badass not moving, i can only imagine seeing them roll
  9. i know the people at both the addresses, great houses. congrats on getting out, back in cbus?
  10. other than your username being spelled like a 13 year old girl's myspace, you're welcome here.
  11. i have 21 days to pay the ticket or contest it, my roomie is taking it to her law professor to see if he can see any holes in our situation that we can get through. will update when necessary.
  12. it appears someone is familiar with the area. yep, 3rd house from campus.
  13. i'd glady wait. i've got class only 3 days a week, and i took work off this week. i want to see the chaos that ensues.
  14. I'll probably end up doing it, but the system works differently in Taxachusetts. Unfortunately for me and the other 500,000 college students attending 60+ colleges here, the city of Boston pretty much turns a blind eye to the actions of cops when it comes to college students. I've seen cops punch people out cold with no warning. I've also seen cops get punched out cold because they were messing with someone too big for them in a way that wasn't exactly legal. My idea as of now is to pay the ticket in all pennies, as the coinage act of 1965 states that all U.S. government buildings must take any and all legal tender. if they want to stick me with this ticket, they're gonna have a hell of a time counting 30,000 pennies.
  15. we got lots of driveby sales. taxis stuck in traffic, etc. that is til the 10 squad cars pulled up (not kidding) and a paddy wagon.
  16. compared to the dickwads at the BPD. Long story short, me and the roomies decided it'd be fun to sell hot dogs to drunken freshmen as they pass home by our house to the dorms for $1. Car accident happens in front of our place, cops decided to write me a $300 ticket for having a party at our place when no one was inside, we never allowed anyone in our yard, and kept people moving in front of our place and told them to clear out during the accident. I'm not mad I got a ticket, I'm just mad that they ticketed me for having a party instead of unlicensed sale of food which I suppose we were actually doing. The worst part about this is that we've got literally no appeal grounds because whatever those fuckstick corrupt cops say is law here and we're just college students. Oh well, might as well get used to the rule of law before China takes over. edit: I fully realize I had this coming to me in every way, and I'm just going to have to pay the damn ticket and move on. this is just a rant thread.
  17. Chinese-Canadian artist...neither one of those things is important
  18. because in a town where gang violence (article dated april 20, 2008) is taking over the south side of the city, you can't tell who is law abiding and who isnt. that's literally the first article that pops up when i type "chicago gang violence" into google, and the neighborhoods mentioned in my article are the same as yours. not to mention that "a suspect toting an AK-47 has been charged with murder and three counts of attempted murder after allegedly killing a man and shooting at police" is the 4th paragraph in...thats why cops are handing out M4s, because they're outgunned by the non-law abiding citizens edit: and i know, xxx% of crimes are committed by handguns etc etc. but when a dude with an AK is shooting at a cop, do you think that cop is worried about the higher danger, murder rate, or whatever of handguns? no, he's thinking about finding a more powerful, more accurate gun than an AK so he can take down the criminal
  19. i'm glad at least someone here understands basic poli sci/int'l relations.
  20. bumpity bumpbump http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/ochocinco.jpg?t=1220563045 i can't wait to get a jersey.
  21. how much power through the 4channel amp?
  22. take a look at those neighborhoods. not exactly the kind of places that gun laws matter in. edit: come on mike, you know better. you can make statistics say anything you want.
  23. are you fucking kidding me? don't ever buy HP. ever. seriously, computer technology is so advanced now that for $1,100 you could build your own, way more badass PC with parts from newegg. I spent $900 for something that can easily run 3 displays (22" widescreen LCD (Acer), 19" widescreen LCD (LG), and a 15" LCD), play games like BF2/2142 at highest possible video settings with no lag, handle an HDTV tuner and have an HDMI compadible vid card, with 500GB hard drive space and a solid processor/motherboard combo. At this point you could even get a Blu-Ray disc drive for not too high a price. Even if you do get a factory machine like an HP, whatever you do don't get AMD processor. anyone who knows their dick from their taint can tell you that. also, fuck windows vista. fuck it long and hard.
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