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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I'd like just one boat. A luxury yacht preferrably with a full tank o gas.
  2. yeah Toledo is solid. getting shut out by Ball State is solid. right.
  3. The secretary of the Int'l Relations dept. met with a rep from GS and said that they're looking to hire people for really any position based entirely on personality. They're not even looking at GPA, etc, they just want to see that I have a degree from a good university and that I WANT to work for them, which I do. I just need to show up prepared to answer the toughest interview questions I'll probably ever face. I took a quiz on their site to give myself an idea of where I'd fit in there, and it told me to apply for "Global Complaince" or "Human Capital Management" whatever those mean. Hopefully something that involves travel. edit: many thanks for the input
  4. Anyone here ever worked for them/currently work for them? I've got a good chance of getting a job there and want to know more about the company.
  5. american institute for alternative medicine. its up near the 71/270 interchange near the Budweiser plant. $35 for a 50 minute sports massage, no tips allowed cuz its done by students. best deal in columbus. edit: all the info you need is here http://www.aiam.edu/Clinics.html
  6. how about just reviving an old party? http://www.wingitproductions.org/election/moose.gif http://farm1.static.flickr.com/130/328836910_bdda8188d5.jpg
  7. i thought rotarded was the grammar nazi?
  8. jesus, if you're going to post an article at least have the sense to read it. Ayers is now a professor at U of Illinois, and for the donations that everyone's freaking out about, IT WAS $200 FUCKING DOLLARS. Not only that but Ayers has never been convicted of anything, and if in the eyes of the justice system he's clean then he's clean.
  9. whole episode: http://www.surfthechannel.com/info/television/Family_Guy/134591/S7E2.html?aid=259821
  10. http://rationalsecurity.typepad.com/blog/images/2007/12/15/internettruth.jpg Hey guys I just found some info from a an online publication that says Palin and Biden are involved in an underground scheme to free Ted Kaczynski. Also Godzilla is now Obama's campaign manager. Srsly guys I'm crying here. There's this girl I like who works at starbucks, you know the almost hipster emo type but still hot enough and not stuck up enough that it deters you from wanting to rail her over a banister. Well I went up to get my coffee (which she's remebering my order now!) and was gonna ask her out but I totally balked at the chance. So I'm heading out the door and I get my balls back, turn around, jump over the counter and get down on one knee...well the manager didn't like that too much and he punched me in the head. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said youre moving with your auntie and uncle in bel-aire. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l239/taw4prez/fresh_prince_cast.jpg This is serios thread. Serios replies only:gives::jerkit::marc::gay2::thumbdown:wtf:
  11. I prefer shopping at Meijer. Slightly less evil, probably a small percentage fewer profits go straight to China, and no bomb threats.
  12. http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/2710/t5j76qrn2.jpg edit: for more type in "motivational mindfuck" to a google images search. have fun
  13. brand new for $250 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16858108248 edit: the 360 is only $260 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16858108251
  14. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/beatkid4.jpg
  15. its 3 oclock if you're not drunk yet you're doing it wrong
  16. i'm older than you? hmph. welcome to the side where the grass is always green and fluffy for you to pass out on.
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