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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. ugh, the things people forsake for money disgust me
  2. El Karacho1647545492


    you're hired. i hope your car runs on hopes and dreams cuz that's all i can compensate you with
  3. El Karacho1647545492


    the best thing is the guy who did the voice for Tick went on to do Joe from Family Guy and Brock Samson from Venture Bros
  4. El Karacho1647545492


    i'll need some referrals...
  5. El Karacho1647545492


    boo hoo motherfucker, good to be rid of you. srsly tho, who will defend me when i post stupid threads?
  6. http://www.anonymousspace.com/albums/userpics/112625/This_Will_Not_End_Well.jpg
  7. "PERFORMANCE MODS... = http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/yhst-47655311586773/injen-scion-tc-cai-system3.gif "RIMS... = http://www.urbanracer.com/gallery/articles/scion/tcpeek/5axistC2.jpg "CUSTOM PAINT... = http://getlaunched.com/images/ScionTribalFlames1_SK.jpg united by individuality my dick.
  8. suck a fuck, then die and stop posting
  9. the next time you want to hit the "submit reply" button, walk away. kthxdie
  10. yeah the guys at the ups store were telling us how they just started getting a wave of broken PS3s. you're not alone. woo hoo threadjack...free bump!
  11. my roommate's xbox just got the RRoD. we took it to the UPS store to ship it back and the dude at the counter looked at the address on the plain white box and said 'ah, another one for the xbox graveyard' edit: so its not like i'm shitting on this thread, microsoft is great about RRoD. he got his thru me from someone on CR and without any receipts or anything microsoft is probably gonna send us a brand new one. just so you don't worry
  12. http://www.serialno3817131.com/images/10.jpg holy jewish adultery, batman!
  13. http://img.alibaba.com/photo/10993247/Queer_Beer_First_European_Gay_Beer.jpg drink up, fairy
  14. look at my links, this bitch pretends to be 23 on myspace so she can get railed by college dudes who don't know better
  15. i dont have myspace, but this is from her intro thread: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=25735907 also facebook http://www.new.facebook.com/s.php?k=100000080&id=694361274 HERE'S THE ATTENTION YOU WANTED
  16. my buddy chris and i play as "the gonkulator"
  17. good job, you made your own happy birthday thread.
  18. El Karacho1647545492


    get a room you two
  19. i'm in boston. also, the barometric pressure's not right in the atmosphere.
  20. not different from your sig really though, it was a dude's cell pic of a mirror of him and his cawk. flattering.
  21. this had better fucking be epic http://www.discoveringmyself.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/legendary-thread2.jpg cell phone picture message: $.25 blowjob from the whore you sent it to: $20 getting your cawk plastered all over CR: priceless some things you just can't buy. for everything else, there's idiots.
  22. you're lookin at it, brizzazzizanden. idiot.
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