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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. #1 common issue is people will always assume you're a rapist and/or narcotics trafficker
  2. 1) Autopilot HARDWARE is on the $35k variant, but the software won't be unless you spring for more. So no, you're not getting an autonomous vehicle for $35k. Nor are autonomous vehicles approved for commercial sale yet (IIRC) so the Tesla system still requires your hands to be on the wheel. Therefore you can still get a DUI. 2) I can't believe anyone still believes what Elon Musk says when it comes to delivery dates. Has there ever been any evidence that he holds to a deadline AT ALL? No. I think 2019 will be the first deliveries. 3) It's not a bad looking car and I'm a Tesla hater. The interior, though, is simply awful. I like "clean" and spartan looks as much as anyone, but it literally looks like they slapped a computer monitor on a bench and said "yep...that's our interior design language". I want a car to be a nice place to sit, so hopefully the interior is competitive with other cars in the midsize luxury segment, but it won't be. 4) How much will "the one you want to buy" be? Will people still have a massive hardon after the $7500 tax credit runs out, which it appears it will rather quickly? 5) I'm very interested to see how the charging thing works out. A lot of people who will be attracted to this car are not homeowners or don't necessarily have the means to install a quick charger at home.
  3. 1) Unimog 2) My uncle has a pop-up bed camper in his Nissan Frontier. He lives in Berkeley CA but often goes up to Tahoe and lives out of that for weeks at a time with his wife. He has a motorcycle he uses to putz about the Bay Area so he doesn't have to drive the truck much, but that would be my suggestion.
  4. If they have so much to do that they can't afford the time to go to court for traffic tickets, they should have so much to do that they can't afford to sit out and fish for easy revenue via *gasp* traffic tickets. Every time the state legislature of OH tries to remove the retarded front plate requirement (which every bordering state has eliminated), there seems to be a group that has plenty of time on their days off to fight it. Who is that? Oh right, the FOP, who year in and year out claims that they need taxpayers to spend millions of unnecessary dollars on front plates because they just spent millions of unnecessary dollars on plate readers that are apparently woefully incapable of reading a license plate on the ass end of a car. I guess the FOP doesn't have much to do afterprotecting cops who drive 106 in a 35 and kill motorists. Really, though, if all you're gonna do as a cop is hand out speeding tickets to people who aren't otherwise driving recklessly, don't bitch about going to court to defend why you issued the citation. "Own your situation, or don't put yourself in it."
  5. So then you would agree that Columbus is a hell hole oozing human traffickers, so we'll get what's coming to us, right? Because if you haven't noticed, Columbus is a hell hole oozing human traffickers, and it's not just the Somalis.
  6. While a majority of my family may hail from a democratic socialist state that has decriminalized all drugs and has great social programs and support for families to live comfortably, they also are facing something like 55% young adult unemployment. My 32 year old cousin has 2 masters degrees because education is damn near free (a la Bernie) but can't do shit with those degrees because EVERYONE has 2 goddamn masters degrees now. I've been trying to convince her to come to the U.S. but she's terrified of how Americans view immigrants. That's one of the reasons I can't support Trump, his racist/jingoist bluster is actively hurting America's ability to attract qualified foreign workers who want to come to the U.S, become citizens, pay taxes, and live the dream of creating a better life for their children.
  7. :lolguy: that thing's broken it said I side with Bernie and Trump. never in a million years would I vote Bernie, regardless of how socially librul I am.
  8. Nuge is just Trump with more guns and crossbows.
  9. One potentially good thing that could come from TrumPOTUS: the parties reach across the aisle and unite. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" type thing, and we see historic Congressional votes to bypass any vetos or executive orders. Hell, we could see him censured or even impeached! He would go down in history as The Great Uniter, the man who was so universally loathed that we all agreed to be more civilized to one another so that never again would such a cunt get elected to office.
  10. I love the cycle of content 4chan>reddit>facebook>CR
  11. Kasich. He's so bland his wife has to put hot sauce on his dick to feel anything.
  12. Just so no one gets it twisted, Trump's net worth has basically not changed. His net worth has increased at roughly the same exact rate as the S&P 500. He's no better an investor than you or I, he just has more assets. However, I'd have a hard time living with myself if I voted for a Clinton. I'll probably write it my mom as my vote. My dad's not eligible, born outside the U.S.
  13. So, of the 5 candidates running for president, one is an accused adulterer, one is a proud adulterer, one is a victim of adultery, one probably can't get it up, and the last is the human equivalent of a jar of mayonnaise. Got it.
  14. I have this for home cooking and it's fantastic. http://www.amazon.com/Lodge-LCC3-Pre-Seasoned-Cast-Iron-3-Quart/dp/B0009JKG9M/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1458856336&sr=8-3&keywords=lodge+cast+iron dutch oven and skillet, skillet fits on dutch oven as a lid. damn good price too.
  15. You're right I totally forgot to mention the case I've been observing included an agreed-upon payment plan prior to the judgement. They immediately defaulted on first payment so the judgement was obtained, now the plaintiff is gonna go after their cars that they are wasting money on.
  16. I dunno about that, I was in college during Obama/McCain campaign. IMO that brought out far worse than this election and I never saw anything more than a simple anti-McCain or anti-Obama demonstration. No counter-protests, none of the venom/vitriol of this election cycle.
  17. Yes but only once the defendant goes into default.
  18. I wish I was still in college so I could offend people. I don't remember this kind of pussification even < 10 yrs ago, and I was on a pretty damn librul campus (Boston U).
  19. Oh yeah I know. Not personally, but there's been a rather ridiculous scammer in the Abarth modding community that has recently had a judgement against them and refused to pay...all while buying thousands in parts for their personal cars. So the guys that got screwed by them have been publicizing their entire court adventure against them and it has been HILARIOUS. They're basically the Dwiggs of the Abarth world.
  20. :lolguy: ALMOST I've been out at least half a dozen times so far, but I'd been chomping at the bit after waiting 4 months for a goddamn dupe title from CT DMV. I shit you not, they had a backlog of 125,000 unprocessed titles. I'm kinda amazed it only took 4 months.
  21. Ok so OP needs to file for vehicle reg abstract (as well as other abstracts, ideally), then file for small claims court, then probably pay a process server to notify defendant, then win big $$$$$ and throw a big CR hookers and blow party?
  22. That's why you pay a process server to do it for you.
  23. So what online purchase option are you seeing that's so much easier yet you decide to engage a shyster dealer anyways?
  24. Floor failed? Regardless of a 6pt cage, that screams of corners being cut and safety is the last place that should happen in racing.
  25. While not drag racing, a rendered representation of what happened to Robert Kubica's car in a rally race is all you need to see to never want to be near a guardrail again in your life. TL;DW/R Kubica nearly lost his hand when the guardrail broke, penetrated the car, and nearly cut his arm off. He also had fractures of his shoulder and leg as well as massive blood loss.
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